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Man Donates $3M Lottery Ticket to New York Church Posted: 03 Nov 2008 02:19 PM CST A man who scratched off a lottery ticket and realized it was worth $3 million promptly donated it to his church, his pastor said. Pastor Bertrand Crabbe of the True North Community Church of Port Jefferson said the donor, who asked to remain anonymous, said, "This was why God put the ticket in his hands." The state Lottery announced Wednesday that the independent Christian church will get at |
Coconut Oil, Ideal for Hair Problems Posted: 03 Nov 2008 02:14 PM CST Just like all those commercials keep telling us, our hair is subject to more aggressions than we could, or want to keep count of – and that happens on a daily basis. Starting from the cold autumn wind, the powerful rays of the sun and down to the very products we use on it in order to restore it to decent "health" (mousse, hairspray and countless other similar lotions, creams and masks), it all |
Germany`s richest woman embroiled in blackmail sex tape scandal Posted: 03 Nov 2008 02:05 PM CST Berlin (ANTARA News) - German prosecutors have opened an investigation into allegations that the country's richest woman, Susanne Klatten, was blackmailed for millions of euros by an ex-lover, a spokesman and media said Sunday. "We have been carrying out an investigation for several months," Christian Schmidt-Sommerfeld, a spokesman for Munich prosecutors, told AFP. Italian authorities also |
Australian victims torn over executions of Bali bombers: reports Posted: 03 Nov 2008 02:05 PM CST Sydney (ANTARA News) - The Bali bombers' Australian victims were Monday torn on whether the men should face the firing squad, with some opposing the death penalty and others wanting to "pull the trigger," reports said. The impending executions of Amrozi, 47, Mukhlas, 48, and Imam Samudra, 38, have stirred strong emotions in Australia, home to 88 of the 202 killed in the attacks on the popular |
Jakarta Siaga Satu Jelang Eksekusi Amrozi dkk Posted: 03 Nov 2008 02:01 PM CST Kepala Kepolisian Daerah (Kapolda) Metro Jaya Irjen Pol Adang Firman mengatakan, wilayah DKI Jakarta dan sekitarnya kini berstatus siaga satu menjelang pelaksanaan eksekusi tiga terpidana mati Bom Bali I Amrozi, Imam Samudra, dan Muklas. "Kami sudah lakukan pengamanan sejumlah obyek vital, seperti kedutaan besar, pusat perbelanjaan dan mal-mal, pokoknya semua obyek vital," katanya seusai |
Buang Sial, Dukun Hisap Kemaluan Pasien Posted: 03 Nov 2008 02:00 PM CST Majelis keselamatan negeri Selangor, Malaysia, mengidentifikasi, sebanyak 22 kumpulan ajaran sesat masih aktif bergerak di negara bagian itu dan salah satu yang populer dan aktif bergerilya adalah Gerakan Negara Islam Indonesia (GNII). Sekjen Majelis Keselamatan Negeri Selangor Nasirrahman Saad Khiruddin mengatakan, aliran sesat itu melakukan kegiatan secara sembunyi-sembunyi dan sering berganti |
Posted: 03 Nov 2008 01:59 PM CST Fraksi Partai Persatuan Pembangunan DPR mengusulkan agar harga bahan bakar minyak diturunkan sebesar Rp 1.000 dari harga keekonomian atau harga jual BBM serupa di pasar internasional plus biaya distribusi. Usulan itu disampaikan Sekretaris F-PPP Suharso Manoarfa. Menurut Suharso, Minggu (2/11) di Jakarta, penurunan harga BBM bisa dilakukan dengan mematok selisih antara harga jual BBM di dalam |
Warga Jakarta Diminta Waspadai Hujan Deras di Bogor Posted: 03 Nov 2008 01:58 PM CST Hujan deras yang mengguyur Kota Bogor sejak beberapa hari terakhir telah membuat beberapa wilayah mengalami longsor dan banjir. Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika (BMG), Darmaga Bogor, di Bogor, Senin (3/11), meminta masyarakat di wilayah Jabodetabek mewaspadai banjir bandang. Seperti dituturkan Kepala BMG, Stasiun Klimatologi Bogor Ir Endang Suprapti, hujan deras masih akan terus mengguyur wilayah |
Susanne Diperas Gigolo Rp 80 M Posted: 03 Nov 2008 01:56 PM CST Wanita terkaya Jerman, Susanne Klatten, diperas jutaan dollar AS oleh seorang pria yang mengancam akan menyebarkan foto-foto pertemuan rahasia mereka. Ibu tiga anak berusia 43 tahun itu menjadi sasaran pemerasan kekasihnya, seorang gigolo Swiss yang diidentifikasi sebagai Helg Sgarbi, demikian menurut berbagai laporan yang muncul di pers Jerman, Minggu (2/11). Pasangan itu memulai |
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