Sabtu, 13 Juni 2009

Berita Aktual

Berita Aktual

Boy Hit by Meteorite!

Posted: 12 Jun 2009 08:11 PM PDT

A 14-year old German boy was hit in the hand by a pea-sized meteorite that scared the bejeezus out of him and left a scar."When it hit me it knocked me flying and then was still going fast enough to bury itself into the road," Gerrit Blank said in a newspaper account. Astronomers have analyzed the object and conclude it was indeed a natural object from space, The Telegraph reports.Most meteors

Mens gifts online store

Posted: 12 Jun 2009 08:14 PM PDT

People these days like to be convenient in almost area of life. Same thing happen when it comes to celebration or showing appreciation, many have chosen the most simplest and easiest way to show them, they just send email and e-card, but is it really the proper way to show your attention to your dear friends or loved ones *who has went through the up side down of life and lot of things together

Diduga Sebabkan Mata Bayi Buta, RS Omni Diadukan

Posted: 12 Jun 2009 08:06 PM PDT

Menuduh bertanggung jawab terhadap kerusakan mata kedua anak kembarnya, Juliana mengadukan RS Omni Internasional Alam Sutra, Tangerang, ke polisi. Juliana menuduh dokter RS tersebut melakukan malapraktik terhadap Jayden Christophel dan Jared Christophel.Sementara itu, Kamis (11/6) siang kemarin, Kepala Bagian Legal Rumah Sakit Omni Internasional Alam Sutra, Serpong, Lalu Hadi Furqoni, yang