Minggu, 12 Juli 2009

Berita Aktual

Berita Aktual

Naik Korean Airlines 12 Peserta Elfa Choir Terjangkit Flu Babi

Posted: 11 Jul 2009 12:14 PM PDT

Jakarta - Sebanyak 12 orang rombongan anak-anak Elfa Choir positif terkena flu babi saat mengikuti World Choir Championships di Gyeongnam, Korea Selatan. Akibat menjangkitnya flu babi di ajang itu, pelaksanaan festival langsung dihentikan."Dokter mendiagnosa 12 orang dari Elfa Choir positif terkena virus H1N1," kata anggota Elfa's Singers, Lita Zein pada Tempo, Sabtu (11/7) malam. Menurut dia,

Investigasi Kematian Michael Jackson Masih Berlanjut Terus

Posted: 11 Jul 2009 11:31 AM PDT

Los Angeles — Kepolisian Los Angeles, AS, masih terus menginvestigasi kematian mendadak Michael Jackson (MJ). Polisi kini memeriksa catatan medis Jackson dan berusaha mengorek keterangan dari mantan-mantan dokternya. Demikian diungkapkan Kepala Kepolisian Los Angeles, William Bratton.Bratton mengatakan kepada CNN bahwa polisi sedang menunggu laporan bagian forensik sebelum bisa memberikan

Obama dan Bokong Mayora

Posted: 11 Jul 2009 10:11 AM PDT

L'aquila — Insiden menggelikan terjadi ketika Presiden AS Barack Obama mengikuti sesi foto bersama dengan para pemimpin negara G-8 lainnya di Main Conference L'Aquila, kota di Italia yang tahun lalu luluh lantak akibat gempa.Pada Kamis (9/7) waktu setempat itu, para pemimpin G-8 baru saja selesai berfoto, kemudian peserta foto ditambah sebagian dari J-8 (sebutan untuk delegasi muda dari

Judge grants delay in Jackson guardianship case

Posted: 11 Jul 2009 10:04 AM PDT

LOS ANGELES – Michael Jackson's mother and ex-wife will have time to reach an agreement over who will take care of the singer's three children. For the second time, Katherine Jackson and Deborah Rowe joined to seek a delay in a hearing that could decide who gets custody of the pop superstar's children. A guardianship hearing scheduled for Monday has been delayed for a week, an attorney said

Back to School Eye Glasses for Kids!

Posted: 11 Jul 2009 10:06 AM PDT

Holidays is over, now is the time to return to school. School's starting again, and it's time when parents also start investing again for their kids education, budget is prepared just to make sure their kids have all the best, there are many investments from tuition fee, school transportation, books, uniforms, shoes, accessories, to a new pair of eye glasses for kids with vision problem and if