Selasa, 25 Maret 2008

Berita Aktual

Berita Aktual

Rodeo Drive Plastic Surgery

Posted: 25 Mar 2008 07:31 PM CDT

Most people always try some effort to look good, especially in their body appearance and physical looks. According to this effort, in recent years, a growing number of people seeking cosmetic surgery to repair and enhance their body shape and looks. Cosmetic surgery is a very popular form of plastic surgery which is designed to improve cosmetics, or appearance of human body. Plastic surgeons

Spears' order appeal thrown out

Posted: 25 Mar 2008 02:21 PM CDT

A challenge to a court ruling that puts Britney Spears' father in control of her assets until July has been dismissed by a US appeal court. Lawyer John Eardley, who claims to represent the singer, argued she had not been given sufficient notice when the order was granted in February. A judge in California said it was not within his powers to grant an appeal. Meanwhile, the singer's guest

Printing displays screen promise

Posted: 25 Mar 2008 02:19 PM CDT

Flat-panel computer displays could be manufactured quickly and cheaply using novel inkjet printing equipment demonstrated by Japanese scientists. The technique has already been used to produce the delicate wiring and tiny components needed for flexible screens. The new inkjet head is able to produce drops 1,000 times smaller than standard printers, according to the researchers. Writing in the

100 Negara Dukung Cina Selesaikan Masalah Tibet

Posted: 25 Mar 2008 02:18 PM CDT

Beijing (ANTARA News) - Setidak-tidaknya, lebih dari 100 negara mendukung pemerintah Cina menyelesaikan masalah di Tibet sesuai dengan undang-undang dan ketentuan. "Lebih dari 100 negara di dunia mendukung Cina dalam menyelesaikan masalah Tibet sesuai dengan undang-undang untuk menjaga kedaulatan negara," kata Jurubicara Kementerian Luar Negeri Cina Qing Gang dalam keterangan pers berkala di

Ba`asyir`s call for violence againts Islamic teachings

Posted: 25 Mar 2008 02:17 PM CDT

Brisbane (ANTARA News) - A call by Indonesian Mujahidin leader Abu Bakar Ba`asyir on his followers to take violent action against Australian tourists who disrespect Islamic values is against Islamic teachings and undermines the Visit Indonesia Year 2008 program, an Indonesian Moslem scholar said. Indonesian Muslim scholar Nadirsyah Hosen who is a lecturer at Wollongong University was commenting

Jalur Busway Diselesaikan Juli

Posted: 25 Mar 2008 02:16 PM CDT

Jakarta:Kepala Dinas Perhubungan DKI Jakarta, Nurachman, menargetkan pembangunan fisik jalur busway koridor Harmoni-Lebak Bulus, Pinang Ranti-Pluit, dan Cililitan-Tanjung Priok selesai Juni atau Juli mendatang. "Sekarang masih tahap pembangunan fisik. Jalur sudah dibangun oleh Dinas Pekerjaan Umum." katanya di kantor Balaikota DKI Jakarta , Selasa (25/3). Menurut Nurachman, pembangunan halte dan

Visitors to Singapore set new Feb record, Indonesians leading the way

Posted: 25 Mar 2008 02:14 PM CDT

Singapore (ANTARA News) - Singapore welcomed 811,000 visitors in February, setting a new record for the month with arrivals from Indonesia and China leading the way, the tourism board said on Tuesday. The total represented growth of 7 per cent compared to the same month a year ago. A breakdown of the top five visitor-generating markets showed 125,000 from Indonesia, 121,000 from China, 52,000

Cina Tutup Situs Berbagi Video

Posted: 25 Mar 2008 02:14 PM CDT

HONG KONG: Cina kembali memperlihatkan taringnya di jagat maya. Setelah menutup akses ke situs berbagi video YouTube, pemerintah negeri itu kembali menutup situs lainnya. Salah satu korban adalah situs yang populer di sana. Badan regulasi untuk radio, film, dan televisi Cina, yang melakukan penutupan tersebut, tak memberikan penjelasan apa pun. Penutupan ini--termasuk terhadap situs

ViDeOnline and press conference on Olympic ad rights

Posted: 25 Mar 2008 02:12 PM CDT

ViDeOnline is Hosting a Joint Press Conference Reception With on the Exclusive Advertisement Rights Granted on 2008 Beijing Olympics Beijing, (ANTARA News/PRNewswire-AsiaNet) - ViDeOnline Communications, Ltd. (, a video networking company, today announced that a joint press conference will be held on March 28th at 2:00pm local time at the Beijing Grand Hyatt,

Menteri: 610.000 Pelanggan Listrik Kena Tarif Mahal

Posted: 25 Mar 2008 02:11 PM CDT

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) akan menerapkan tarif listrik lebih mahal atau nonsubsidi kepada 610 ribu pelanggan dengan daya mulai 6.600 VA ke atas. Menteri ESDM Purnomo Yusgiantoro usai melakukan rapat dengan PT PLN di Jakarta, Selasa, mengatakan penerapan tarif nonsubsidi tersebut merupakan modifikasi program insentif dan disinsentif setelah menerima masukan

Penyimpangan Navigasi Penyebab Kecelakaan Adam Air di Sulawesi

Posted: 25 Mar 2008 02:10 PM CDT

Jakarta:Komite Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi (KNKT) menyimpulkan, kecelakaan pesawat Adam Air di Sulawesi pada Januari 2007 lalu dipicu adanya penyimpangan pada sistem navigasi di pesawat. Fokus konsentrasi pilot pada malfungsi IRS mengalihkan perhatian terhadap instrumen lain sehingga pesawat lepas kendali. Ketua KNKT Tatang Kurniadi menjelaskan, dalam rangka tindakan koreksi sistem

Funisia, Spesies Pertama yang Kawin-Mawin

Posted: 25 Mar 2008 02:09 PM CDT

California: Mungkinkah perilaku kawin-mawin berasal dari sebuah masa 570 juta tahun lalu? Tim paleontolog yang sedang meneliti di Australia menunjuk ke masa itu lewat temuan fosil berupa hewan mirip sedotan di dasar laut. Funisia dorothea--nama hewan purba itu--ditemukan berbonggol-bonggol, menancap rapat ke lantai laut dangkal berpasir yang kini dikenal sebagai kawasan busur belakang Australia.

Yudhoyono Minta Solidaritas Umat Jangan Eksesif dan Ekstrim

Posted: 25 Mar 2008 02:07 PM CDT

Jakarta:Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono menekankan agar solidaritas umat yang tidak eksesif dan ekstrim harus ditingkatkan."Dengan demikian cocok di negara yang majemuk seperti Indonesia," kata Yudhoyono pada Peringatan Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW 1429 Hijriah di Istana Negara, Senin (24/3) malam. Pernyataan ini disampaikan Presiden Yudhoyono usai ceramah yang disampaikan Rektor IAIN WaliSongo

Bloking Situs Porno Dinilai Tak Efektif

Posted: 25 Mar 2008 02:07 PM CDT

Jakarta: Rencana pemerintah mengeblok situs-situs berkonten negatif seperti pornografi dan kekerasan yang diakses lewat internet dinilai tak akan efektif. "Secara teknis tidak akan mungkin bisa." kata Pengamat budaya massa Veven Sp. Wardhana kepada Tempo Ahad lalu di Jakarta. Ia menjelaskan, internet memiliki akses tak terbatas sehingga akan sangat sulit dibatasi. "Begitu membatasi pornografi,

More information about Debix Identity Network Protection

Posted: 25 Mar 2008 01:15 PM CDT

This information is about, one of many websites across the internet that provide you all information about how importance of protecting your personal identity from identity theft. gives you clearly and explicit description about LoudSiren as an advanced and practical identity theft protection system in preventing thieves steal and use

US military Iraq toll hits 4,000

Posted: 25 Mar 2008 04:06 AM CDT

The number of United States military personnel killed in Iraq since the US-led invasion five years ago has passed the 4,000 mark. The latest to die were four soldiers whose patrol vehicle was blown up by a bomb in southern Baghdad on Sunday. President George W Bush offered his "deepest sympathies" to the families of US military personnel killed in Iraq. Separately, the bodies of two US

Identity Theft Prevention Product Comparison

Posted: 25 Mar 2008 03:07 AM CDT

We live in an era digital where our personal data can be easily accessed by others, we shop online, we hand over our credit card to cashiers we don't even know, we fill out forms online and we forgot to check whether the site is a secured site. Some secured sites are still accessible for the criminal are professional in its fields too. People can get access to others personal data more easily

Dutch Islam film website 'shut'

Posted: 24 Mar 2008 11:54 PM CDT

A website that a Dutch right-wing politician was planning to use to release a film expected to be fiercely critical of Islam has been suspended. The US hosting service, Network Solutions, said it was investigating complaints that it may have breached guidelines on hate language. Dutch politician Geert Wilders says the 15-minute film describes Islam as "the enemy of freedom". The planned

Tibetan riots continue in China

Posted: 24 Mar 2008 11:48 PM CDT

Protests are continuing in the Tibetan-populated areas of China, with state-run media saying one policeman was killed in the latest riot. Several policemen were also injured in the clash in the western Sichuan province, Xinhua news agency reported. The Tibetan government-in-exile says that 130 people died in and around the Himalayan region during clashes that began on 10 March. Officials in

Sanitasi Buruk Picu Kematian Anak

Posted: 24 Mar 2008 11:47 PM CDT

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Data Direktorat Penyehatan Lingkungan Departemen Kesehatan memperlihatkan, kondisi sanitasi yang buruk dan minimnya pasokan air bersih memicu angka kematian anak akibat paparan penyakit diare, tipus, polio, dan cacingan. Data Departemen Kesehatan tersebut, yang dirangkum ANTARA News di Jakarta, Selasa, juga menyebutkan, di Indonesia terdapat empat dampak besar kesehatan

Awasi Pelajar Agar Jangan Buka Situs Porno

Posted: 24 Mar 2008 11:45 PM CDT

Medan (ANTARA News) - Para orang tua agar mengawasi anak-anak mereka ekstra ketat sehingga generasi penerus itu tidak memperoleh kesempatan membuka akses situs porno di warung-warung internet atau dengan cara lain. "Kebiasaan jelek anak muda melihat sajian di situs-situs porno agar secepatnya dihentikan karena dapat merusak mental mereka," kata Psikolog Dra Mustika Tarigan di Medan, Selasa, - all about Viagra

Posted: 24 Mar 2008 11:35 PM CDT

Introducing you, the site is dedicated to people who need more and complete information about Viagra. Viagra is a trade name of Sildenafil citrate. It's a drug used to treat male erectile dysfunction (impotence) and pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). It was developed by the pharmaceutical company Pfizer since 1988 and has been a widely trusted and approved to help men who