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Non-OPEC oil producers hampered in efforts to boost output Posted: 01 May 2008 09:18 AM CDT Paris (ANTARA News) - Oil producers outside the OPEC cartel are unable to pump enough oil to reduce crude prices, hampered by robust domestic demand, weak investment and exhausted oil fields, analysts say. In the short term, "no non-OPEC member is in a position to produce more," said Francis Perrin of the publication Petrole et Gaz arabes. "They are selling all the oil they can." The |
Rising food, fuel prices drive Indonesian May Day rallies Posted: 01 May 2008 09:17 AM CDT Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Thousands of Indonesians took to the streets of the capital Jakarta for Labour Day rallies on Thursday, with rising food prices and an expected cut in fuel subsidies weighing heavily on workers' minds. "We are expecting more than 40,000 people demonstrating today," policeman Hariyadi said as thousands of workers gathered at the central Imam Bonjol traffic circle. |
Recession or not, US economy feels the pain Posted: 01 May 2008 09:16 AM CDT Washington (ANTARA News) - The US economy has limped ahead over the first portion of 2008 just enough to avert the onset of recession, but some analysts say the slowdown is causing pain regardless of the definition. Official data from the Commerce Department showed growth at a 0.6 percent annual pace in the January-March period, matching the pace of the fourth quarter of 2007. The first |
Malaysian immigration detains 42 Indonesians Posted: 01 May 2008 09:15 AM CDT Kuala Lumpur (ANTARA News) - Malaysian immigration officers have detained 42 Indonesians in an operation in Taman Muda market, Ampang, Kuala Lumpur, for not having legal documents and violating their permits. "We detained 89 foreigners for not having legal documents and violating their permits, 42 of them are Indonesians," the Director of Law Enforcement of the Malaysian Immigration Office, |
Dollar slips as Fed keeps rate options open Posted: 01 May 2008 09:14 AM CDT Tokyo (ANTARA News) - The dollar slipped in Asian trade on Thursday after the Federal Reserve left the door open to further interest rate cuts after a widely expected quarter point reduction overnight, dealers said. They said the market was jittery ahead of key US data on employment and manufacturing activity, after first-quarter economic growth came in slightly better than expected at 0.6 |
Kate Hudson tops People`s Most Beautiful list Posted: 01 May 2008 09:12 AM CDT Los Angeles (ANTARA News) - People magazine on Wednesday unveiled Kate Hudson as the cover girl for its list of the world's 100 most beautiful people. People said that Hudson was chosen to showcase the unranked list because the natural beauty she represents is now at the height of fashion. Hudson "just embodies such an incredible natural beauty that is in vogue right now," People Senior Editor |
Pemerintah Bimbang Soal Harga BBM, Investor Buru Dolar AS Posted: 01 May 2008 09:10 AM CDT Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Kalangan investor memburu dolar Amerika Serikat (AS) yang nilai tukarnya menembus angka Rp9.250, menyusul ketidakpastian kebijakan pemerintah menaikkan harga Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) bersubsidi. "Pernyataan Presiden bahwa langkah Pemerintah menaikkan harga eceran BBM sebagai alternatif terakhir multi tafsir," kata Ketua Komite Tetap Kadin Indonesia Bidang Moneter dan |
Gudang Rokok di Tambun Dirampok Posted: 01 May 2008 09:08 AM CDT Bekasi (ANTARA News) - Kawanan perampok bersenjata api, Kamis sekitar pukul 03.00 WIB, menggasak brankas berisi uang Rp6,6 juta dan mobil Avanza di gudang rokok Stanza di Jalan Setia Darma, Tambun, Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat. Perampok memasuki gudang dengan cara meloncat pagar, kata Udung, petugas kebersihan gudang rokok tersebut. Setelah memasuki gudang, kawanan perampok kemudian menodongkan |
Danau Terbesar di Dunia Jadi Cepat Panas Posted: 01 May 2008 09:07 AM CDT New York (ANTARA News) - Danau Baikal, danau terbesar di dunia yang terletak di Siberia, Rusia, menjadi panas jauh lebih cepat daripada temperatur udara dunia selama 60 tahun terakhir. Hal itu dapat menyebabkan nasib hewan-hewan unik yang ada disana dalam keadaan terancam punah, kata ilmuwan Rusia dan Amerika Serikat (AS) yang dikutip Reuters. Danau itu temperaturnya menjadi lebih panas 1,21 |
China Resmikan Jembatan Terpanjang Sedunia di Atas Laut Posted: 01 May 2008 09:03 AM CDT Shanghai (ANTARA News) - China meresmikan jembatan yang melintasi di atas laut yang terpanjang di dunia, Kamis, yang menghubungkan wilayah bisnis keuangan Shanghai dengan kota Ningbo yang merupakan wilayah industri dan memiliki pelabuhan yang sibuk, kantor berita Xinhua melaporkan. Bangunan yang menelan biaya sebesar 11,8 milyar yuan (1,7 miliar dolar AS) akan merentang hingga ke teluk Hangzhou |
Australia Tangkap Kapal Nelayan Indonesia di Perairan RI Posted: 01 May 2008 09:02 AM CDT Brisbane (ANTARA News) - Sejumlah kapal patroli Australia yang mengawal perairan utara negara itu cenderung menangkap kapal-kapal nelayan Indonesia ketika para nakhoda awaknya masih merasa berada di dalam wilayah perairan RI. Dari 24 hingga 26 April 2008, sudah 14 perahu dan kapal nelayan Indonesia yang ditangkap otoritas Australia dengan jumlah awak kapal dan nakhoda yang mendekam di pusat |
One premium brand in the identity theft prevention industry Posted: 01 May 2008 08:55 AM CDT Lifelock has been considered as one of the most proactive agency to protect their consumers, applying fraud alert system which cause every application on your behalf need to be confirmed directly by you, so you are fully aware of your credit. Lifelock also launch the wallet lock which is one great service to protect your identity when you lost your wallet! Lifelock consumers are also benefit to |
TB outbreak in British school hits 30 schoolgirls Posted: 01 May 2008 08:41 AM CDT London (ANTARA News/Xinhua) - An outbreak of tuberculosis (TB) at a Birmingham school which hit 30 schoolgirls is being investigated, according to a report by BBC on Wednesday. Pupils at Birchfield Independent School for Girls were tested after a pupil and one of their relatives were diagnosed with the disease, the report said. A pupil at the school contracted TB last summer and was |
"Ayat-Ayat Cinta" film shown in Malaysia Posted: 01 May 2008 07:45 AM CDT Kuala Lumpur (ANTARA News) - After recording a tremendous success in Indonesia, the "Ayat-ayat Cinta" ( Verses of Love) film is going to expand the wind of its business by screening in all Malaysian cinemas as of June 19, 2008. The premiere of the film was watched by Indonesia`s Charge d`Affair in Kuala Lumpur, Tatang B Razak, Marketting Affairs Director General of the Culture and Tourism |
China opening one of world`s largest bridges Posted: 01 May 2008 07:44 AM CDT Beijing (ANTARA News) - hina on Thursday will inaugurate one of the world's longest bridges, which will provide an important new route into Shanghai, state press said. Presented as the "world's longest sea bridge", the 36-kilometre (22-mile) structure connects Jiaxing city near Shanghai to the port city of Ningbo in the eastern province of Zhejiang. It is slightly shorter than the 38.4- |
Delapan Orang Tewas Akibat Ledakan Bom di Afghanistan Posted: 01 May 2008 07:42 AM CDT Kandahar, Afghanistan (ANTARA News) - Delapan orang, termasuk dua anak, tewas dalam ledakan ganda bom pinggir jalan di Afghanistan selatan yang bergolak, kata polisi di sini Kamis. Bom pinggir jalan pertama meledak Rabu malam, menghantam sebuah mobil warga sipil di kota Spin Boldak dekat perbatasan dengan Pakistan, kata kepala kepolisian provinsi Kandahar, Sayed Aqa Saqib, kepada AFP. Bom kedua |
Polisi Lampung Gerebek Gudang Pengoplos BBM Posted: 01 May 2008 07:40 AM CDT Bandarlampung (ANTARA News) - Kepolisian Kota Besar (Poltabes) Bandarlampung, Lampung, menggerebek gudang pengoplosan Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) di Jalan Yos Sudarso, Panjang Timur, di Bandarlampung, Kamis, sekira pukul 03.30 WIB. Menurut Kapoltabes Bandarlampung, Kombes Pol Syauqie Achmad, pihaknya menyita dari gudang itu sebanyak 8.715 liter oplosan solar dan minyak tanah, sementara pemilik |
Raup Pemasukan $35 Juta/Tahun, Gisele Bundchen Model Berhonor Tertinggi Posted: 01 May 2008 07:39 AM CDT Los Angeles (ANTARA News) - Supermodel Brazil, Gisele Bundchen, tetap menduduki tahtanya sebagai ratu catwalk dengan penghasilan tertinggi, setelah berhasil meraup pendapatan lebih dari 35 juta dolar pada tahun lalu, mengungkapkan Rabu. Bundchen, 27 tahun, boleh jadi telah mengakhiri kontraknya dengan Victoria`s Secret pada 2007, namun wanita cantik berambut pirang itu masih memiliki |
Posted: 01 May 2008 06:41 AM CDT We watched over television, news and read on the internet articles millions of people become victims of identity theft every year. These innocent people who have been victimized need months or even years to restore their finances and credit. For member of LifeLock, they know they are in good hands who work hard to stop the abuse before it ever occurs and back it up with a $1,000,000 guarantee. |
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