Kamis, 22 Mei 2008

Berita Aktual

Berita Aktual

What is an abstract in a research paper

Posted: 22 May 2008 12:38 PM CDT

Students are required to write an abstract in many cases for research papers. What is an abstract in a research paper? An abstract is a summary of the whole research, it always have a maximum word limit and the main purpose is to summarize the research which is to point out the objective, the main finding and conclusion, it is not to introduce the research area. Always keep in mind that

Lifelock promo code, save more than your money

Posted: 22 May 2008 12:32 PM CDT

Identity theft happened when someone who have no right using your personal identity , like your name, Social Security number, or credit card number, to do some fraud or illegally actions without your permission. Identity theft is a serious matter because it can generate hard damage to your finance and good name. It can even destroy your life. Identity theft victims can lose their opportunity

Toyota acts on overwork culture

Posted: 22 May 2008 05:11 AM CDT

Toyota is taking steps to deal with a corporate culture that has been criticised for being workaholic. It is to pay workers more overtime for attending out-of-hours meetings to discuss manufacturing methods. It previously only allowed workers to claim two hours' overtime a month for such "voluntary" activities. The decision follows a court ruling in November that a 30-year-old Toyota worker

Samsung Electronics appoints new head of emerging markets

Posted: 22 May 2008 05:10 AM CDT

Seoul (ANTARA News/Asia Pulse) - The Samsung Electronics Co. (KSE:05930) said today that it will reassign Lee Jae-yong, the son of former Samsung Group head Lee Kun-hee, to a post covering the company's business in emerging markets as part of the company's personnel reshuffle. The junior Lee, currently vice president in charge of customer relations at the company, will travel to countries

Steven Spielberg receives French Legion of Honour

Posted: 22 May 2008 05:09 AM CDT

Paris (ANTARA News) - American film director Steven Spielberg on Wednesday was made an officer of the French Legion of Honour by French President Nicolas Sarkozy, the Elysee Palace announced. Spielberg was cited for the "entirety of his work" as well as his commitment to a number of social issues, such as the memory of the Holocaust and the crisis in Darfur, Sarkozy's office was quoted by DPA as

Industri Film Asteng Siap Hadapi Raksasa Perfilman Global

Posted: 22 May 2008 05:09 AM CDT

Cannes (ANTARA News) - Festival Film Cannes tahun ini boleh jadi menandai saat yang menentukan dalam kemunculan Asia Tenggara di pentas perfilman global. Sekalipun mengalami kekurangan modal, menghadapi maraknya pembajakan dan sensor yang ketat di beberapa negara kawasan itu, dua film dari Asia Tenggara ikut bersaing untuk meraih Palme d`Or, penghargaan utama di Festival Film Cannes. Didorong

Southeast Asian cinema lays down challenge to global movie giants

Posted: 22 May 2008 05:08 AM CDT

Cannes (ANTARA News) - This year's Cannes Film Festival could mark a turning point in the emergence of South East Asia on the global cinema stage. Despite a shortage of money, the on-going battle against piracy and some heavy-handed censorship in parts of the region, two films from South East Asia have made their way into the race for Cannes' coveted Palme d'Or. Spurred on by the digital

Mob burns eleven "witches" to death in Kenya

Posted: 22 May 2008 05:07 AM CDT

Nairobi (ANTARA News/dpa) - An angry mob has burned to death eleven elderly people accused of being witches in Kenya's western Kisii district, according to reports Thursday. The mob went from house to house and pulled the victims out into the street before setting fire to them and their houses, the BBC reported, citing police. The victims were largely women and were all in their late eighties

Pelajar Membunuh Pekerja Seks Komersial

Posted: 22 May 2008 05:06 AM CDT

Ambon:Seorang pelajar Sekolah Menengah Atas di Kota Ambon berinisial H, 16 tahu, diringkus aparat Kepolisian Resort Pulau Ambon dan Pulau-Pulau Lease, Rabu (22/5) dinihari. H ditangkap karena dituduh menghabisi nyawa seorang pekerja seks komersial (PSK) di lokalisasi Tanjung Batu Merah, Sirimau, Ambon, pada Kamis malam pekan lalu. Kapolres Pulau Ambon dan Pulau-Pulau Lease Ajun Komisaris Besar

ADOC Buka Dua Pusat Pendidikan Digital di Indonesia

Posted: 22 May 2008 05:06 AM CDT

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Taiwan melalui APEC Digital Oportunity Centre (ADOC), sebuah proyek untuk mengentaskan kesenjangan teknologi, meresmikan dua pusat pendidikan dan pelatihan digital di Indonesia. Hal ini menambah jumlah pusat pendidikan yang telah didirikan oleh Taiwan melalui ADOC menjadi empat pusat pendidikan, demikian siaran pers Kantor Perdagangan dan Ekonomi Taipei di Indonesia yang

Penemu Teknologi Tepat Guna di NTB Diberi Insentif

Posted: 22 May 2008 05:05 AM CDT

Pemerintah Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat (Pemprov NTB) memotivasi penemu teknologi tepat guna (TTG) di daerahnya. Melalui lomba Anugerah TTG mereka yang berhasil masuk nominasi urutan 10 terbaik didaftarkan hak ciptanya di Sub Direktorat Hak Patent Departemen Hukum dan HAM. Selain itu, mereka juga memperoleh alat penunjang penelitian dan insentif Rp10 juta. Saat ini, sudah 197 temuan TTG milik

UMNO Terima Pengunduran Diri Mahathir

Posted: 22 May 2008 05:04 AM CDT

Kuala Lumpur (ANTARA News/afp) - Partai yang berkuasa di Malaysia, Organisasi Nasional Melayu Bersatu (UMNO), menerima keputusan mantan Perdana Menteri Mahathir Mohamad untuk mundur, namun masih berharap dia akan bergabung dengan partai di masa depan, kata beberapa laporan berita di Kuala Lumpur, Kamis. "Kami telah menerima keputusan berkaitan dengan keinginannya untuk mundur dari partai. Namun

Kartu BLT Belum Bisa Dibagikan

Posted: 22 May 2008 05:04 AM CDT

BANDUNG:Sebagian besar kecamatan di Kota Bandung menolak menerima Kartu Bantuan Langsung Tunai (BLT) yang didistribusikan oleh PT Pos Wilayah Kota Bandung. Mereka beralasan, proses verifikasi belum selesai dilakukan. "Takutnya kami terima malah nanti hilang" kata Denny Sanny, Camat Cibeunying Kidul, kepada Tempo, Rabu (21/5). Seperti diketahui, PT Pos Wilayah Kota Bandung menjadwalkan pembagian

Mobil Masuk Jurang di Cianjur, Satu Meninggal

Posted: 22 May 2008 05:03 AM CDT

Cianjur:Sebuah angkutan umum jenis kol Mitsubishi L300 jurusan Pagelaran-Cianjur dengan pelat nomor F 7529 WB Rabu (21/5) siang terjun ke jurang sedalam 40 meter di Kampung Cicadas Desa Salagedang Kecamatan Cibeber, Cianjur. Peristiwa yang terjadi di KM 30 itu mengakibatkan satu orang meninggal dunia dan 8 lainnya luka berat. Korban meninggal bernama Yayah, 60 tahun, warga Wijaya Kusumah,

Jalan Ali Sadikin Tunggu Disusunnya Konsep Jalan Jakarta

Posted: 22 May 2008 05:02 AM CDT

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Gubernur DKI Jakarta Fauzi Bowo menyebutkan Jakarta tidak punya konsep dalam penamaan jalan berdasarkan nama pahlawan. "Selama ini Jakarta tidak punya konsep. Orang yang jasanya besar, jalannya kecil," kata Gubernur di Balaikota Jakarta, Kamis. Fauzi menyebut bahwa Pemprov sedang berencana untuk membuat konsep penamaan jalan tersebut. Sementara mengenai wacana