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5 Shot Dead at Suburban Chicago Store Posted: 03 Feb 2008 06:57 AM CST TINLEY PARK, Ill. -- Police were searching for a man they said fled a clothing store in a Chicago suburb where five woman were shot to death during an apparent robbery. Officers swept through neighboring shops at the Brookside Marketplace strip mall, aisle by aisle and with guns drawn, shortly after the shootings Saturday, but found no trace of the gunman. Attempts to find him with dogs and a |
Kenya opposition urges peacekeepers Posted: 03 Feb 2008 07:00 AM CST NAIROBI, Kenya (CNN) -- Two days after reaching a plan with the Kenyan government to end violence that has wracked the country for more than a month, the opposition party asked both the United Nations and the African Union to send in peacekeepers. "The level of violence in Kenya is unprecedented. It's on a terrifying scale and it has not really diminished," Salim Lone, spokesman for the Orange |
Kenya opposition: We need help Posted: 03 Feb 2008 07:41 AM CST NAIROBI, Kenya (CNN) -- Two days after reaching a plan with the Kenyan government to end violence that has wracked the country for more than a month, the opposition party asked both the United Nations and the African Union to send in peacekeepers. "The level of violence in Kenya is unprecedented. It's on a terrifying scale and it has not really diminished," Salim Lone, spokesman for the Orange |
Hindari Encok dengan Puasa Softdrink Posted: 03 Feb 2008 07:39 AM CST WASHINGTON, KAMIS - Minuman ringan atau softdrink memang nikmat untuk dikonsumsi, apalagi jika meminumnya saat tengah hari bolong atau sehabis berolahraga. Tetapi siapa sangka bila dibalik kenikmatan minuman manis ini ternyata ada risiko yang mengintai. Ya, kebiasaan meminum softdrink manis menurut sebuah riset menjadi salah satu penyebab tingginya kasus penyakit encok. Pria yang mengonsumsi |
Banjir, Perpres 36/2005 Segera Diterapkan Posted: 03 Feb 2008 07:36 AM CST JAKARTA, MINGGU -- Banjir yang merendam sejumlah kawasan di Jakarta sejak Jumat lalu membuat Pemerintah makin kuat mendorong agar Pemerintah Daerah DKI Jakarta untuk menerapkan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 36 Tahun 2005 tentang Pembebasan Lahan untuk Kepentingan Publik. Pihak yang bersengketa dengan Pemerintah dan tidak menerima uang ganti rugi yang sudah disesuaikan tetap akan dipaksa pergi. Uang |
SocGen defends itself ahead of money laundering trial Posted: 03 Feb 2008 07:32 AM CST PARIS (Reuters) - Societe Generale laid out its defense ahead of a high-profile money laundering trial due to begin in Paris on Monday, which could put further pressure on the French bank as it grapples with the effects of a trading scandal. SocGen (SOGN.PA) reiterated it had not taken part in any money laundering. "Neither the bank, nor its employees have knowingly participated in any |
Rahasia Paula Abdul Bersembunyi Posted: 03 Feb 2008 07:31 AM CST SCOTTSDALE, MINGGU - Setelah 1 dasawarsa lebih "lenyap" dari hadapan publiknya, Paula Abdul akhirnya menguraikan alasan menghilangnya penyanyi terkemuka Amerika Serikat ini dari panggung musik untuk sekian lama. Salah seorang juri American Idol tersebut mengaku kecelakaan yang dialami saat menumpangi pesawat menjadi penyebab absennya. "Saya benar-benar merasa diberkati dan beruntung dapat |
Mayor: Sarkozy weds former model Posted: 03 Feb 2008 07:29 AM CST PARIS, France (AP) -- French President Nicolas Sarkozy married former model Carla Bruni on Saturday at the Elysee Palace, according to the official who performed the ceremony. "The bride wore white; she was ravishing, as usual," Francois Lebel, mayor of Paris' eighth arrondissement, or neighborhood, told Europe-1 radio. "The groom wasn't bad either." It was a historic occasion, "the first time |
Banjir Lebih Besar Masih Mengancam Jakarta Posted: 03 Feb 2008 07:26 AM CST Banjir lebih besar masih mengancam Jakarta hingga bulan depan. "Hujan yang turun nanti intensitasnya bisa lebih tinggi dari Jumat lalu," kata Kepala Sub Bidang Informasi Meteorologi BMG Kukuh Ribudiyanto saat dihubungi Tempo hari ini. Dua hari lalu, BMG mencatat volume curah hujan mencapai 300 milimeter. Akibatnya Jakarta banjir di sekitar 410 titik. Peluang terjadinya hujan lebat, diprediksi |
Female bomber kills 8 in Colombo Posted: 03 Feb 2008 07:26 AM CST COLOMBO, Sri Lanka (CNN) -- Eight people were killed and almost 100 wounded when a woman blew herself up near a train as it was pulling into a station Sunday in Sri Lanka's capital city, Colombo, police said. The blast occurred just hours after a grenade detonated inside Sri Lanka's central zoo Sunday morning, wounding at least six people. No one has yet claimed responsibility for either |
Yudhoyono: Keadaan Sekarang Sudah Lebih Baik Posted: 03 Feb 2008 07:24 AM CST Jakarta:Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono kembali menyatakan pembangunan dalam tiga tahun terakhir mulai menampakkan hasil. "Dibandingkan krisis 10 tahun lalu dan masa-masa setelahnya, setapak demi setapak lebih baik," katanya dalam peringatan puncak hari ulang tahun ke-82 Nahdlatul Ulama di Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta, Ahad (3/2). Ia mencontohkan, keadaan ekonomi dan keamanan jauh lebih baik. |
Russian model killed in carjacking Posted: 03 Feb 2008 07:15 AM CST MOSCOW, Russia (CNN) -- Anna Loginova was, for many Russians, a feminine icon -- bridging the glamorous world of modeling and the murky depths of Russian crime. But this week, the stunning Loginova became a victim of the criminals she made sure could not get to her millionaire clients. She was killed trying to stop a thief stealing her own car on a busy Moscow street. As a glamour model, 29- |
Eva Mendes Ingin Insyaf dari Narkoba Posted: 03 Feb 2008 07:12 AM CST LOS ANGELES, MINGGU--Bintang Hollywood Eva Mendes dikabarkan telah masuk panti rehabilitasi ketergantungan zat-zat adiktif, pada pekan ini. Menurut situs Majalah People, Jumat, aktris berusia 33 tahun itu, saat ini mulai menjalani rehab di pusat rehabilitasi di Cirque Lodge, Utah dan akan terus berlangsung hingga beberapa pekan ke depan. Tahun lalu, aktris bermasalah Lindsay Lohan, juga pernah |
Crash kills 25 as snow cripples China Posted: 03 Feb 2008 07:09 AM CST BEIJING, China (CNN) -- At least 25 people were killed when a bus plunged off an icy road in China Tuesday, as the worst winter weather in half a century threw the peak travel season into chaos and led to an emergency meeting of the Communist Party Politburo. Hundreds of thousands of travelers are stranded ahead of the Lunar New Year holiday and even plans by Prime Minister Wen Jiabao to travel |
Penerbangan di Bandara Soekarno Hatta Berangsur Normal Posted: 03 Feb 2008 07:08 AM CST Kepala Administrator Bandar Udara Soekarno Hatta Herry Bakti menyatakan kondisi umum penerbangan di bandara tersebut berangsur normal dan membaik. "Kondisinya membaik hingga 80 persen," ujarnya kepada Tempo, Minggu (3/2). Hal ini, kata dia, ditandai dengan mulai normalnya jadwal penerbangan sejumlah maskapai yang melayani rute penerbangan di berbagai kota di Indonesia maupun rute luar negeri. " |
Fog worsens travel nightmare in China Posted: 03 Feb 2008 07:07 AM CST BEIJING, China (AP) -- Heavy fog fell over parts of central China Sunday, further clogging a transport system already paralyzed by weeks of snow, a day after a stampede by frustrated train passengers stranded for days in southern China killed one. The weather -- the country's worst in five decades -- has paralyzed China's densely populated central and eastern regions just as tens of millions of |
Posted: 03 Feb 2008 07:05 AM CST JAKARTA, MINGGU - Partai Keadilan Sejahtera menargetkan masuk dalam tiga besar setelah mengikuti pemilu 2009 mendatang. Itu sebabnya, PKS akan menggerakkan seluruh kadernya untuk bekerja keras, agar target masuk dalam jajaran tiga besar partai yang memperoleh dukungan suara di DPR RI. Hal ini disampaikan Wakil Sekjen Bidang Komunikasi Politik dan Media Dewan Pimpinan Pusat PKS Fahri Hamzah di |
More Jobless Checks a Cure for Economy? Posted: 03 Feb 2008 07:04 AM CST WASHINGTON -- For a bipartisan majority of senators, providing three months or six months of extra unemployment checks to more than 1 million jobless people is a better way to dig the economy out of a recession than just printing tax rebate checks. Some economists agree, and undoubtedly, so do the nearly 1.3 million unemployed workers who face losing an average $282 a week in benefits before |
Kalla Kritik Keras Pemerintah DKI Jakarta Posted: 03 Feb 2008 07:03 AM CST Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla mengkririk keras Pemerintah Daerah Daerah Khusus Ibukota (DKI) Jakarta yang belum mengesahkan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah (APBD) dalam peraturan daerah (Perda). "Ini memalukan DKI Jakarta sebagai Ibu kota negara belum bisa mengesahkan APBD," kata Kalla saat membuka Rapat Kerja Daerah (Raperda) Partai Golongan Karya (Golkar) di Kantor DPD Sabtu Malam Pukul |
Pasien Gagal Ginjal Askeskin Terancam Tak Bisa Cuci Darah Posted: 03 Feb 2008 07:02 AM CST Ratusan warga miskin yang mengalami gagal ginjal terancam tidak lagi bisa melakukan cuci darah menyusul ketidakjelasan program asuransi keehatan untuk masyarakat miskin atau Askeskin tahun ini. Pelayanan terapi hemodialisa yang selama ini ditanggung Askeskin tidak bisa lagi diteruskan apabila dalam waktu pemerintah tidak segera mengeluarkan kebijakan mengenai penyediaan HD Set, yaitu peralatan | - Accommodative Financial Solutions website Posted: 03 Feb 2008 06:19 AM CST is Accommodative Financial Solutions website that offers you personal loans or business loans to obtain using your good credit. You may obtain $10K - $50K for personal loans, $25k – $150k for a small business loans or more for business acquisition and business expansion. There is no application fee, no hidden charge and they promise you 24-48 hour approvals from 8500 |
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