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Woman is detained on oil platform Posted: 10 Feb 2008 10:47 AM CST Police are making arrangements to fly a 23-year-old woman from a North Sea oil platform which was at the centre of a security alert. The woman, who is a British national and had been working aboard the installation, was detained by the offshore installation manager. Owner Britannia Operator Ltd, said a worker had made allegations about a possible suspicious device. The alert resulted in 161 |
Gates Challenges European Military Leaders on Afghanistan Posted: 10 Feb 2008 10:46 AM CST MUNICH, Feb. 10 - Defense Secretary Robert Gates challenged the European military leaders and lawmakers Sunday to revive flagging support for the international mission in Afghanistan, warning that if members of NATO were no longer willing to shoulder the burdens of war equally, it "would effectively destroy the alliance." Gates's comments to the annual Munich Conference on Security Policy were |
Masalah Umat Islam bukan Akidah, tapi Peradaban Posted: 10 Feb 2008 10:44 AM CST Masalah besar yang sedang dihadapi oleh umat Islam di seluruh dunia, termasuk di Indonesia, bukan di bidang akidah atau dalam hal berkeyakinan, tapi dalam mewujudkan sebuah peradaban. Demikian dikatakan Ketua Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Prof Dr KH Said Agil Siroj (Kang Said) di Malaysia pekan lalu dalam satu seminar yang diselenggarakan oleh Pengurus Cabang Istimewa Nahdlatul Ulama ( |
Hamas orders closure of newspaper over caricature Posted: 10 Feb 2008 10:41 AM CST GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip: A Hamas-dominated court ordered a Palestinian newspaper on Sunday to halt distribution and publication in the Gaza Strip after a cartoon on its back page mocked legislators loyal to the militant group, officials said. The cartoon was published last November and poked fun at the Hamas-led Gaza government, and its leader, Ismail Haniyeh. The newspaper al-Ayyam is published |
Wajah Kekristenan 1000 Tahun Mendatang Posted: 10 Feb 2008 10:40 AM CST Seperti apa Gereja Kristen 1000 tahun yang akan datang? Jika seorang Kristiani saleh dari tahun 1000 Masehi dibawa ke ibadah pagi gereja progresif abad 21, si Kristiani abad pertengahan itu mungkin tidak akan mengenali iman Kristiani, tulis Kevin Kelly dalam isu terbaru majalah Willow – sebuah publikasi dari gereja berpengaruh di Amerika Serikat, Willow Creek Community Church. Jadi adalah " |
Robot glider harvests ocean heat Posted: 10 Feb 2008 10:33 AM CST A sea-going robotic glider that harvests heat energy from the ocean has been tested by US scientists. The yellow, torpedo-shaped machine has been combing the depths of seas around the Caribbean since December 2007. The team which developed the autonomous vehicle say it has covered "thousands of kilometres" during the tests. The team believe the glider - which needs no batteries - could |
Salah Operasi Ganti Kelamin, Dokter Dituntut Posted: 10 Feb 2008 10:32 AM CST Seorang wanita warga negara Jerman yang telah salah diasuh sebagai anak-anak laki-laki memenangkan perkara melawan ahli bedah yang telah mengubahnya menjadi remaja laki-laki. Demikian diungkapkan pengadilan setempat, Sabtu waktu setempat.Penggugat yang berusia 48 tahun dan telah menderita penyakit yang disebut congenital adrenal hyperplasia menuntut ahli bedah tersebut karena telah menghilangkan |
Artists prepare for Grammys gala Posted: 10 Feb 2008 10:29 AM CST The 50th Grammy Awards are to take place in the US, with Kanye West and Amy Winehouse leading the nominations. But Winehouse will not perform at the ceremony in Los Angeles despite a last-minute issue of a US visa. West is shortlisted for eight awards including album of the year, while Winehouse has six nominations. Five acts - rock band the Foo Fighters, rapper Jay-Z, producer Timbaland, R&B |
Nabi Muhammad Kembali Dilecehkan, Nigeria Rusuh Posted: 10 Feb 2008 07:30 AM CST Siswa-siswa sekolah menengah pertama di Sumaila, 76 kilometer ke selatan dari ibukota Nigeria, Kano mengamuk setelah seorang siswa beragama Kristen yang sudah dua minggu ini diskors kembali masuk sekolah. Amuk siswa itu berubah menjadi kerusuhan yang menimbulkan korban jiwa. Yang membuat para siswa marah, karena siswa beragama Kristen itu telah melakukan tindakan yang melecehkan Nabi Muhammad. |
Saudi preachers blame sinners for lack of rain Posted: 10 Feb 2008 07:22 AM CST Riyadh (ANTARA News) - Saudi preachers on Saturday conducted prayers for rain in their desert kingdom and blamed the empty skies on sinfulness, the official Spa news agency reported. "Misfortune does not befall (a country) unless sins have been committed there," the imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Sheikh Abderrahman bin Abdel Aziz al-Sudeiss, was quoted by AFP as saying. The sheikh, a critic |
Golkar Bantah Mbak Tutut Dijadikan "Gudang Uang" Posted: 10 Feb 2008 07:20 AM CST Padang (ANTARA News) - Politisi nasional Partai Golkar membantah, keinginan Golkar mengajak putri sulung mantan Presiden Almarhum Soeharto, Siti Hardiyanti Rukmana atau Mbak Tutut bergabung dengan partai ini untuk menjadikannya "gudang uang" menghadapi Pemilu 2009. "Kalau untuk `gudang uang` pasti tidak, tapi fikiran dan pengaruhnya (Mbak Tutut, red) mungkin iya," kata Ketua Fraksi Golkar DPR-RI |
OPEC could ditch dollars for euros: chief Posted: 10 Feb 2008 07:19 AM CST London (ANTARA News) - OPEC could switch the pricing of oil from dollars into euros within a decade, secretary general Abdullah al-Badri was quoted by AFP as telling a weekly magazine. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries could adopt the euro to combat the decline of the dollar, Badri told the Middle East Economic Digest (MEED), published in London. "Maybe we can price the oil |
Missing Japanese tourist found safe in Bali Posted: 10 Feb 2008 07:18 AM CST Denpasar (ANTARA News) - Hiro Hiko Kubo (66), a Japanese tourist who was reportedly missing while diving on the Nusa Penida waters, Klungkung district, Bali, was found in a safe condition, it was reported here Sunday. "The victim was stranded to Tanglad village, Nusa Penida, Klungkung district, after ten hours of struggle against strong waves," ANTARA reported based on information from the Bali |
Pengoperasian Rusunawa di Bogor Terganjal Tarif Listrik Posted: 10 Feb 2008 07:17 AM CST Bogor (ANTARA News) - Pengoperasian rumah susun sederhana sewa (Rusunawa) di Kelurahan Mentang, Bogor Barat, Kota Bogor, tertunda sejak tahun lalu karena PLN APJ Bogor bersikeras menerapkan tarif listrik klasifikasi bisnis (B2) terhadap rumah susun yang diperuntukkan bagi warga berpenghasilan rendah itu. Karena PLN APJ Bogor bersikeras pada sikapnya, Dinas Tata Kota dan Pertamanan (DTKP) |
Ghana were let off the hook, says coach Le Roy Posted: 10 Feb 2008 07:16 AM CST Kumasi, Ghana (ANTARA News) - Ghana coach Claude LeRoy said his team were let off the hook by Ivory Coast before coming back to win 4-2 in Saturday`s third-place match at the African Nations Cup. Ivory Coast led 2-1 after only 32 minutes and had several chances to add a third before Ghana struck back with three goals in the last 20 minutes. "We were not far from being completely out of the game |
Film Porno Berkemasan Film Anak Beredar di Solo Posted: 10 Feb 2008 07:15 AM CST Jakarta:Film porno dalam keping DVD yang dikemas film anak-anak, beredar di wilayah Solo. Terbongkarnya modus baru peredaran film porno tersebut setelah Kepolisian Kota Besar (Poltabes) Solo menerima laporan dari masyarakat yang kaget karena DVD yang dibeli anaknya bersampul film Power Rangers ternyata berisi adegan asusila. Menurut Kapoltabes Lutfi Luhbianto, pihaknya menerima laporan dari |
Floods, storms kill 12 in Indonesia`s Java Posted: 10 Feb 2008 07:12 AM CST Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Floods and storms have killed 12 people on Indonesia's main island of Java, a health official said on Sunday. Floods triggered by heavy rain killed eight people in two districts in East Java over the past two days, said Rustam Pakaya, head of the health ministry's crisis centre. Four people died on Saturday when an electricity pole was toppled by storms, hitting a car in |
Final Liga Djarum Indonesia 2007 Di Jalak Harupat Tanpa Penonton Posted: 10 Feb 2008 07:11 AM CST Jakarta:Setelah ditunggu dengan penuh ketegangan, akhirnya izin tertulis dari Kepala Kepolisian Daerah Jawa Barat, Inspektur Jenderal Susno Duadji untuk pertandingan final Liga Djarum Indonesia 2007, keluar. ?Jadi! Di Jalak Harupat main tanpa penonton jam 7 malam ini (Minggu malam),?ucap Ketua Bidang Teknik kesebelasan PSMS Medan, Julius Raja saat dihubungi Tempo Minggu pagi (10/2). Julius |
Posted: 10 Feb 2008 07:09 AM CST Jakarta - Indonesia`s biggest Muslim organization Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) chairman Hasyim Muzadi who is currently visiting the United States criticizes the country`s foreign policy. An NU press release said here on Saturday that Hasyim made the criticism in a seminar on "Empowering the Indonesian Moderates to Combat Terrorism and Extremism" at John Hopkins University in Washington DC on Friday. On |
30,6 Persen Hutan Sulsel Terdegradasi Posted: 10 Feb 2008 07:00 AM CST Makassar (ANTARA News) - Dari 2,121 juta hektar luas hutan di Sulawesi Selatan, sekitar 30,6 persennya (682.784 ha) telah rusak, gundul, dan tidak produktif. Penyebabnya, menurut Kepala Dinas Kehutanan Sulsel Andi Idris Syukur, karena adanya perubahan fungsi sejalan dengan berkembangnya usaha perkebunan rakyat, perladangan, dan perambahan hutan yang terus terjadi. Sekarang ini terdapat 26.511 |
Sudan arrests over diplomat death Posted: 10 Feb 2008 06:59 AM CST Authorities in Sudan have detained two people over the killing of a US diplomat and his driver in the Sudanese capital of Khartoum last month. Police arrested the suspects in a raid on a hideout in Omdurman, across the Nile from Khartoum, Sudan's official Suna news agency said. Several people were wounded in a shoot-out during the raid. John Granville and driver Abdel Rahman Abbas died after |
Beijing Bentuk Tim Pemeriksa Air untuk Olimpiade Posted: 10 Feb 2008 06:58 AM CST Beijing (ANTARA News) - Beijing, tuan rumah penyelenggara Olimpiade musim panas 2008, akan membentuk tim khusus yang bertugas mengadakan pemeriksaan terhadap keselamatan jaringan saluran air menjelang pelaksanaan pesta olahraga besar itu bulan Agustus. "Tim akan terdiri dari lebih dari 300 staf patroli dan 400 tenaga perawatan yang akan bekerja setiap saat untuk memeriksa dan merawat sistem |
Some Killings Don’t Get Solved Posted: 10 Feb 2008 06:46 AM CST Who killed Benazir Bhutto? How was it done? By bullet or bomb, or both? And who sent the killer — Islamic militants with links to Al Qaeda, rogue elements of the Pakistani Army, or political rivals in the election scheduled for Feb. 18? Six weeks have passed since the assassination, and Pakistan seems no closer to a consensus on some of the most basic facts, making it ever more likely that the |
Kapal Harapan III Tenggelam di Laut Utara Lombok Barat Posted: 10 Feb 2008 06:44 AM CST Jakarta:Akibat dihempas gelombang besar, sebuah kapal barang KM Harapan III membawa muatan semen 850 ton dari Gresik tujuan Bajawa Nusa Tenggara Timur, tenggelam di laut utara Lombok, Sabtu (9/2) petang. Para awak kapalnya, 15 orang bisa menyelematkan diri dan pukul 22.30 Waktu Indonesia Tengah dievakuasi ke Kantor SAR Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) di Labuapi Kabupaten Lombok Barat. Tenggelamnya KM |
Astronaut’s Health Problem Delays Spacewalk Mission Posted: 10 Feb 2008 06:43 AM CST WASHINGTON, Feb. 9 — Astronauts will delay by one day attaching a European science laboratory to the International Space Station because of an undisclosed health problem with one member of the space shuttle Atlantis' seven-man crew, NASA officials said Saturday. John Shannon, chairman of NASA's Mission Management Team, disclosed the problem and delay during a televised briefing from the Johnson |
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