Sabtu, 16 Februari 2008

Berita Aktual

Berita Aktual

Danish Muslims in cartoon protest

Posted: 16 Feb 2008 01:33 AM CST

Hundreds of Danish Muslims have been demonstrating in Copenhagen against the reprinting of a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad they consider offensive. The cartoon depicts the Prophet with a bomb in his turban. All major Danish newspapers decided to republish it after Danish intelligence said it had uncovered a plot to kill one of the cartoonists. Protestors marched in the capital's streets

Grief and Questions After Deadly Shootings

Posted: 16 Feb 2008 02:04 AM CST

Laura Carpenter, left, and Victoria Holda mourned the victims on the Northern Illinois University campus on Friday. DeKALB, Ill. — The day after five students were gunned down in an afternoon science class on the campus of Northern Illinois University here, survivors struggled to manage their grief as the authorities released more details about the shooting and the gunman. The few students who

Yahoo bergabung dengan NewsCorp hadapi Microsoft

Posted: 16 Feb 2008 03:32 AM CST

Yahoo Inc. kini sedang menjajaki kemungkinan beraliansi dengan konglomerat media, News Corp. Langkah ini dilakukan sebagai salah satu strategi menghindari incaran Microsoft yang ingin memborong saham Yahoo. Kerja sama akan dituangkan melalui pertukaran saham sebanyak 20 persen. Dan kemungkinan kerjasama itu diwujudkan pula melalui media milik News Corp yaitu MySpace. Tetapi terbuka juga

NTB to host Indonesia-Malaysia meeting

Posted: 16 Feb 2008 03:29 AM CST

Mataram (ANTARA News) - West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) province is to host a joint international meeting between Indonesia and Malaysia, provincial administration spokesman Ibnu Salim said here on Saturday. He said the meeting would be held at Senggigi tourist resort in West Lombok from February 19 to 21, 2007, and participated in by more than 100 delegates. According to him, 24 participants from the

Tokoh Agama Inggris Perdalam Kehidupan Beragama di Indonesia

Posted: 16 Feb 2008 03:29 AM CST

Enam tokoh agama Inggris akan berkunjung ke Indonesia pada 18-24 Febuari 2008 untuk mengetahui lebih dalam tentang kehidupan beragama di masyarakat Indonesia yang majemuk. Menurut keterangan dari Direktorat Diplomasi Publik Departemen Luar Negeri RI di Jakarta, Kamis, kegiatan itu merupakan salah satu rekomendasi dari Indonesia-UK Islamic Advisory Group (IUIAG), menurut Antara. IUIAG menilai

Indonesian muslims in Britain hold major gathering

Posted: 16 Feb 2008 03:21 AM CST

London - The organization of Indonesian Muslims staying in Britain (Kibar) is holding a two-day gathering to further strengthen relations among its members at North Manchester Jamia Mosque, Manchester, from February 16 to 17, 2008. Kibar chairman Dono widiatmoko said the gathering, which was attended by about 200 Indonesian Muslims in Britain, was aimed at fostering cordial relations among

Suriah Ancam Tuntut AS Sebagai Penjahat Perang

Posted: 16 Feb 2008 03:22 AM CST

Suriah menyatakan akan mengajukan tuntutan kejahatan perang terhadap AS, karena telah memasok senjata ke pihak Israel dalam perang dengan kelompok Hizbullah di Libanon tahun 2006 lalu. Dalam perang itu, banyak warga Suriah yang tewas akibat serangan Israel. Hal tersebut diungkapkan Menlu Suriah Walid Moallem dalam keterangan pers bersama dengan Menlu Iran Manouchehr Mottaki, Kamis (14/2).

Presiden Prancis Tolak Pemimpin Negara yang Anti-Israel

Posted: 16 Feb 2008 03:19 AM CST

Presiden Prancis Nicolas Sarkozy menegaskan dukungannya terhadap Israel. Dalam pidato di hadapan komunitas Yahudi-Prancis Sarkozy mengatakan bahwa ia tidak akan menyambut atau menyalami pemimpin-pemimpin negara yang menolak mengakui eksistensi Israel. "Saya tidak mau bersalaman dengan orang-orang yang menolak mengakui Israel, " kata Sarkozy yang rencananya akan berkunjung ke Israel bulan Mei

Australia pledges E Timor support

Posted: 16 Feb 2008 03:15 AM CST

Australia's Prime Minister Kevin Rudd says his government will do all it can to safeguard democracy in East Timor after attacks on its president and PM. On his second visit to East Timor in only two months, Mr Rudd said his support was "absolutely rock solid". President Jose Ramos-Horta was seriously hurt in Monday's shooting, and is being treated in Australia. Canberra deployed an additional

Pemerintah Segera Terapkan Digitalisasi TV

Posted: 16 Feb 2008 03:13 AM CST

Surabaya (ANTARA News) - Pemerintah akan segera menerapkan digitalisasi televisi (TV digital) mulai 2009, dengan memulainya di TVRI sebagai ujicoba selama 2008. "Kalau kita sudah menerapkan digitalisasi TV, maka kita akan dapat memakai satu kanal untuk 4-5 program," kata Menkominfo Prof Ir Mohammad Nuh DEA di Surabaya, Sabtu. Usai berbicara dalam seminar "Komunikasi Interpersonal" yang digelar

UN shocked by 'grim' life in Gaza

Posted: 16 Feb 2008 03:10 AM CST

The UN's top humanitarian affairs official has said he was shocked by the "grim and miserable" situation he witnessed on a visit to the Gaza Strip. Undersecretary General John Holmes said it was the result of Israel closing its border crossings and the "limited food and other materials" allowed in. Mr Holmes said 80% of Gaza's 1.5m population now depended on food aid. Israeli spokesman Mark

Zyrex Rilis Laptop Rp 3 Jutaan

Posted: 16 Feb 2008 03:09 AM CST

Laptop 'murah' sepertinya tengah menjadi tren bagi para produsen PC. Setelah Asus menggebrak dengan Eee PC, kini giliran Zyrex yang coba menggoyang pasar laptop tanah air dengan Zyrex Netbook Anoa yang dibanderol Rp 3 jutaan. Zyrex menempatkan laptop berbasis Classmate PC Intel ini khusus bagi para pemula, seperti para pelajar. Sehingga tak salah jika harga yang ditawarkan pun cukup 'enteng'

Superdelegates' loyalties tested

Posted: 16 Feb 2008 03:06 AM CST

WASHINGTON—The outpouring of support for Barack Obama's presidential candidacy in African-American communities is shifting the political calculus for superdelegates with large black constituencies and causing some of them to reconsider promises of support for Hillary Clinton. Rep. David Scott (D-Ga.), who represents a predominantly black suburban Atlanta constituency, announced late in the week

Ledakan di Bali Sisakan Ratusan Lubang

Posted: 16 Feb 2008 03:02 AM CST

Denpasar (ANTARA News) - Ledakan cukup keras yang terjadi di Jalan Kebo Iwa Selatan-Gatot Subroto Barat, Kota Denpasar, Bali, telah menyisakan ratusan lubang akibat percikan logam yang diduga berasal dari meterial sumber ledakan. Lubang mulai dari yang sebesar biji jagung hingga biji melinjo itu, tampak menyebar di bagian badan mobil jenis jeep yang diduga menjadi sasaran peledakan, serta di

Bush: US Has Much at Stake in Africa

Posted: 16 Feb 2008 03:00 AM CST

COTONOU, Benin (AP) — President Bush began a five-country journey through Africa on Saturday saying that U.S. aid to the continent comes with "great compassion." On his trip, Bush is trying to show that the United States has a moral imperative as well as economic, political and national security interests in fighting poverty, disease and corruption across the continent. "We care when we see

Gus Dur Soal Askar Wataniah: Kalau Bohong Pasti Ketahuan

Posted: 16 Feb 2008 02:59 AM CST

Deplu sudah menyatakan tidak ada WNI yang menjadi paramiliter Malaysia alias Askar Wataniah. Tapi kalau ternyata bohong, pasti akan ketahuan. "Saya tidak ngerti urusan itu. Kata orang-orang yang tanggung jawab di bidang sekuriti, tidak ada orang Indonesia, ya sudah. Kalau mereka bohong kan nanti juga ketahuan," cetus Gus Dur. Hal tersebut disampaikan mantan presiden yang juga ketua umum Dewan

Steve Fossett, 63; Adventurer of the Seas and Skies

Posted: 16 Feb 2008 02:58 AM CST

Steve Fossett, 63, an American millionaire who financed many of his own record-setting adventures over the seas and into the skies, was declared legally dead Feb. 15 by a Chicago judge, five months after he disappeared while piloting a single-engine plane over western Nevada. Mr. Fossett, known for his globe-circling, nonstop flights by airplane and balloon, was reported missing Sept. 3. He last

Tim Korea ‘Kloning’ Anjing

Posted: 16 Feb 2008 02:52 AM CST

Sebuah perusahaan Korea Selatan menerima pesanan untuk melakukan "kloning" anjing peliharaan pertama di dunia. Perusahaan bernama RNL Bio tersebut meminta seorang wanita di Amerika Serikat membayar 150 ribu dolar untuk membuat tiruan anjing pitbull terrier-nya yang sudah mati. Wartawan BBC Nick Miles melaporkan, permintaan jasa kloning ini akan dilakukan tim Universitas Nasional Seoul yang

One-stop clinics 'are the future'

Posted: 16 Feb 2008 02:47 AM CST

Clinics manned by a single doctor should be replaced by one-stop health shops run by several GPs, health minister Lord Darzi has told the BBC. So-called 'polyclinics', which house GPs alongside medical services normally offered at hospitals, are better suited to patients' needs, Lord Darzi said. He has already proposed them for London and says they would work nationwide. But the British

Ratu Inggris Tanyakan Kondisi Hutan Indonesia

Posted: 16 Feb 2008 02:45 AM CST

London (ANTARA News) - Ratu Inggris Elizabeth II memberi perhatian terhadap kondisi hutan di Indonesia dan mempertanyakan apakah negara beriklim tropis ini masih memiliki hutan yang cukup luas. Hal tersebut disampaikan Ratu Inggris kepada Panut Hadisiswoyo, pelajar program Konservasi Primate Universitas Brookes Oxford pada acara penyerahan Queen Anniversary Award kepada pelajar dari 20

Satellite Shootdown Plan Began in Jan.

Posted: 16 Feb 2008 02:44 AM CST

WASHINGTON (AP) — Long before the public learned in late January that a damaged U.S. spy satellite carrying toxic fuel was going to crash to Earth, the government secretly assembled a high-powered team of officials and scientists to study the feasibility of shooting it down with a missile. The order to launch the crash program came Jan. 4, according to defense officials who described Friday how

Kawasan Manggarai Lengang Pasca-Bentrok Massa

Posted: 16 Feb 2008 02:42 AM CST

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Kawasan Manggarai, Jakarta Selatan, Sabtu pagi lengang dan lalu lintas lancar setelah pada pukul 00.30 WIB dinihari mencekam karena bentrokan massa di Jalan Tambak. "Kalau suasana pasca-bentrok sendiri saat ini sudah aman terkendali dan kondusif," kata petugas jaga "Traffic Management Center" (TMC) Polda Metro Jaya, Briptu Hery, ketika dihubungi ANTARA di Jakarta, Sabtu.

Stress may hit cancer virus fight

Posted: 16 Feb 2008 02:40 AM CST

A stressful life may make it tougher to fight the virus which causes the majority of cervical cancer cases, say scientists. HPV is a sexually transmitted infection - but only a small percentage of women who catch it develop cancer. US researchers, writing in the journal Annals of Behavioural Medicine, said that stressed women had a weaker immune response to the virus. But the study did not

Bali Kembali Digoncang Ledakan, Dua Orang Cedera

Posted: 16 Feb 2008 02:32 AM CST

Denpasar (ANTARA News) - Ledakan cukup keras kembali terjadi di Jalan Kebo Iwa Selatan-Gatot Subroto Barat, Kota Denpasar, Bali, dan dilaporkan mengakibatkan dua orang cedera. Wartawan ANTARA News dari lokasi kejadian pada Sabtu dini hari melaporkan, ledakan diduga dari sejenis bom rakitan itu terjadi di depan sebuah bengkel, hanya sekitar 200 meter dari simpang empat Gatsu-Kebo Iwa arah Markas

N.I.U. Gunman Called Outstanding Student

Posted: 16 Feb 2008 02:30 AM CST

DEKALB-- Thursday, all we knew of the gunman was that he was a graduate student at N.I.U. last year. His name wasn't released until Friday morning. But as the day went on we learned a lot more about who Steven Kazmierczak was. The 27-year-old behind the mass murder of five N.I.U. students, an attack that left 16 others hurt, was familiar with Northern's campus. He spent all of undergrad, and