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'Hard' Kenya crisis talks resume Posted: 05 Feb 2008 05:38 AM CST Kenya's political foes have begun discussing crucial political issues to try to end to weeks of violence. Kofi Annan, who is brokering the negotiations between President Mwai Kibaki and opposition leader Raila Odinga, warned they would be "hard". The local Red Cross says in the five weeks since disputed elections more than 1,000 people have been killed and 300,000 displaced in violence. Top |
Arab education 'falling behind' Posted: 05 Feb 2008 05:34 AM CST The World Bank has said the quality of education in the Arab world is falling behind other regions and needs urgent reform if it is to tackle unemployment. In a report, bank officials said Arab states had to make improving education their top priority, because it went hand-in-hand with economic development. The region had not seen the increasing literacy and school enrolment witnessed in Asia |
Haru, TNI dan Polisi Bentrok Berpelukan Posted: 05 Feb 2008 06:00 AM CST AMBON - Ratusan prajurit Batalyon Infanteri 731/Kabaresi kemarin (4/2) mendatangi GOR Mapolres Maluku Tengah. Kali ini, mereka tanpa senjata dan bukan untuk menyerang seperti sebelumnya. Para tentara tersebut datang untuk rekonsiliasi dengan anggota mapolres yang pernah mereka serbu itu. Langkah perdamaian itu penuh keharuan. Para prajurit memeluk satu per satu anggota polisi. Begitu pula, |
Power problems continue in China Posted: 05 Feb 2008 05:57 AM CST A total of 39 Chinese counties still have little or no power following the nation's worst weather in decades. Power has been restored to 17 million households, according to state media, but more than 130 counties remain affected in some way. A total of 11 electricians have now died while working on power lines. Heavy snow and ice has killed dozens of people, and left millions stranded as they |
Roy Marten Ajukan Permohonan Penyembuhan Posted: 05 Feb 2008 05:56 AM CST Surabaya: Aktor kawakan Roy Marten alias Roy Wicaksono mulai menjalani sidang di Pengadilan Negeri Surabaya pada Selasa (5/2). Roy diajukan ke meja hijau setelah terlibat dalam pesta sabu-sabu di Hotel Novotel, Surabaya pada November lalu. Dalam materi dakwaannya jaksa penuntut R. Adhi Wibowo menjerat Roy dengan pasal berlapis yakni pasal 71 (bersekongkol), pasal 62 (memiliki, membawa dan |
Gaza-Egypt border sealad completely Posted: 05 Feb 2008 05:55 AM CST Rafah, Gaza Strip (ANTARA News) - Egyptian and Hamas forces on Monday completely sealed the Gaza-Egypt border, closing the last passage through which people were allowed to return home, an AFP correspondent saw. Dozens of Palestinians who have not yet crossed back into Gaza were assembled on the Egyptian side of the divided town of Rafah, awaiting to be returned as a group to the Hamas-run |
Pemimpin Redaksi Majalah Tempo Minta Maaf - Soal Gambar Sampul Edisi Khusus Soeharto Posted: 05 Feb 2008 05:55 AM CST Toriq Hadad, pemimpin redaksi Majalah Berita Mingguan Tempo meminta maaf kepada umat Kristiani sehubungan dengan penerbitan gambar sampul edisi terakhir majalah tersebut. Dalam edisi no 50/XXXVI/04 - 10 Februari 2008, majalah Tempo memuat laporan khusus mengenai meninggalnya mantan presiden Soeharto. Pada sampul depan dengan judul laporan utama Setelah Dia Pergi itu, digambarkan Soeharto duduk di |
NASA beams Beatles` "Across the Universe" to aliens Posted: 05 Feb 2008 05:51 AM CST London (ANTARA News) - An intergalactic celebration of The Beatles is launched on Monday with the beaming of their peace anthem "Across the Universe" into outer space. The man behind the idea, which marks the 40th anniversary of the recording of the song in 1968, is an avid Beatles fan who has persuaded U.S. space agency NASA to kick off the party and now hopes to convert alien life forms to The |
Tersangka Pembunuh Mahasiswi UI Merupakan Teman Gaul Korban Posted: 05 Feb 2008 05:50 AM CST Depok (ANTARA News) - Kapolres Metro Depok Kombes Polisi Imam Pramukarno menegaskan ketiga tersangka pembunuhan berencana terhadap mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia (UI) Anita Rachmat (19) merupakan teman gaul korban. "Tersangka merupakan teman gaul korban," kata Imam Pramukarno di ruang kerjanya, Selasa. Saat ini ketiga tersangka di tahan di Mapolres Depok, untuk mempertanggungjawabkan |
UN police start transfer of authority to East Timor counterparts Posted: 05 Feb 2008 05:49 AM CST Dili (ANTARA News) - The UN Police in East Timor began Monday transferring authority to East Timor's national police with the handover of three posts in the capital, the United Nations mission here said. International peacekeepers and UN security forces were deployed to the tiny half-island nation after unrest rocked Dili's streets in April and May 2006, leaving at least 37 dead and forcing more |
Pemimpin Redaksi Koran Tempo Dirampok Posted: 05 Feb 2008 05:48 AM CST Pemimpin Redaksi Koran Tempo, Malela Mahargasarie dirampok saat mengendarai mobilnya, Kijang Krista B-8849 XC warna abu-abu Silver di bawah jembatan layang Lebak Bulus, Jalan TB Simatupang tepatnya beberapa meter dari pintu tol Pondok Indah pukul 09.30 pagi tadi. Perampok menggasak tas berisi, dompet, satu unit handphone, dan dokumen kantor. Peristiwa itu terjadi ketika Malela dalam perjalanan |
Indonesian court to hear Bali bombers` case review Posted: 05 Feb 2008 05:47 AM CST Denpasar, Bali (ANTARA News) - A court in Indonesia's resort island of Bali will hear a second case review filed by lawyers for three Islamic militants on death row for the 2002 Bali bombings, further delaying their possible execution. The Supreme Court has asked the Denpasar district court to examine what new evidence, if any, is presented by the defence team, said court director Nyoman Gde |
Sukseskan VIY 2008 Perlu Program yang Selaras Posted: 05 Feb 2008 05:45 AM CST Surabaya (ANTARA News) - Guna mensukseskan pelaksanaan tahun kunjungan Indonesia (Visit Indonesia Year/VIY) 2008 yang telah dicanangkan pemerintah, perlu upaya menyelaraskan program yang ditawarkan keluar negeri dengan persiapan-persiapan di dalam negeri. "Perlu ada tuntunan program yang dilakukan di dalam negeri dengan yang ditawarkan keluar negeri," kata Ketua Perhimpunan Hotel dan Restoran |
Posted: 05 Feb 2008 05:45 AM CST Jakarta:Badan Pusat Statistik menyatakan tingkat pengangguran tidak akan menurun signifikan jika kemampuan pemerintah untuk menyediakan lapangan pekerjaan masih relatif rendah. "Pengurangan pengangguran tidak berjalan cepat, paling turun sedikit," kata Kepala BPS Rusman Heriawan di sela-sela rapat kerja pembahasan APBN 2008 dengan Komisi Keuangan dan Perbankan DPR di Jakarta, Senin (04/02). Dia |
Deptan Kembangkan Pabrik Pakan Ternak Mini di 38 Lokasi Posted: 05 Feb 2008 05:44 AM CST Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Departemen Pertanian (Deptan) merencanakan pengembangan pabrik pakan ternak skala kecil ("mini feedmill") pada 38 lokasi di tanah air tahun ini, guna mengantisipasi melonjakan harga pakan ternak. Dirjen Peternakan Deptan, Tjeppy D Soedjana, di Jakarta pada Selasa menyatakan, pabrik pakan mini tersebut dibangun di wilayah-wilayah sentra produksi bahan baku pakan seperti |
Operator Rahasiakan Tarif Baru Seluler Posted: 05 Feb 2008 05:43 AM CST Jakarta: Operator telekomunikasi masih menutup rapat informasi tentang tarif baru telepon seluler setelah pemerintah mengumumkan formula penurunan tarif kemarin. Mereka beralasan, masih mengkaji keputusan pemerintah untuk menghasilkan tarif bagi pelanggan. Direktur Marketing PT Indosat Tbk. Guntur S. Siboro mengatakan kebijakan yang baru ini memberi sinyal bagi operator agar lebih lebih kreatif |
Spears psychiatric report ordered Posted: 05 Feb 2008 05:42 AM CST Britney Spears' father will continue to look after her financial and personal affairs until a doctor has made a psychiatric report, a court has ruled. Court commissioner Reva Goetz has appointed a doctor to judge if Spears - admitted to a Los Angeles hospital last week - is capable of making decisions. James Spears will keep control of his daughter's assets until the report is considered at a |
10 Tahanan Polres Maluku Tengah Masih Buron Posted: 05 Feb 2008 05:41 AM CST Ambon (ANTARA News) - Sepuluh tahanan Polres Maluku Tengah yang melarikan diri saat personel TNI Yonif 731/Kabaressy menyerang markas polisi tersebut, Sabtu subuh (2/2) lalu, hingga kini masih buron. Kapolres Maluku Tengah, AKBP Jacub Prajogo, ketika dikonfirmasi di Masohi, Selasa, membenarkan bahwa 10 tahanan itu masih buron dan ia mengimbau agar mereka segera menyerahkan diri. "Sebenarnya 11 |
Indonesian woman on trial in Japan on people smuggling charges Posted: 05 Feb 2008 05:40 AM CST Chiba (ANTARA News) - An Indonesian woman, Yulia Patricia Rembeth (50), arraigned in the Chiba Prefecture Court on Monday on human trafficking charges, heard the prosecution propose a 40-month jail term, a forced labor stint and a Yen1.5 million fine for her. Presiding judge Hiko Saka adjourned the court session to March 26 when the court would further question Rembeth, a staffer at the Japanese |
Penanganan Izin Penyiaran Tak Jelas Posted: 05 Feb 2008 05:39 AM CST Jakarta: Tunggakan perizinan lembaga penyiaran swasta tahun lalu terancam tak rampung tahun ini seperti yang ditargetkan. Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia (KPI) dan Departemen Komunikasi dan Informasi belum juga memproses permohonan karena terjadi perbedaan data pemohon. Menurut anggota KPI Amar Ahmad, perizinan di komisinya sebanyak 1.530 berkas. Sedangkan Departemen Komunikasi dan Informasi menerima |
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