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Picnic site blast kills over 80 Afghans Posted: 17 Feb 2008 01:33 PM CST ARGHANDAB, Afghanistan (Reuters) - A suicide bomber killed more than 80 people at a picnic spot in the southern Afghan province of Kandahar on Sunday in the most deadly attack since the Taliban were ousted in 2001, the government said. The attack will add urgency to a debate about how the United States and Afghanistan's other allies can help stem militant violence and promote stability. "This |
AOL 'contemplates Yahoo approach' Posted: 17 Feb 2008 01:36 PM CST US internet company AOL has become the latest firm to hold talks with Yahoo about a possible deal to fend off an approach from Microsoft, a report says. Advisers from Time Warner-owned AOL have held talks with representatives of Yahoo to see if a deal is workable, the Sunday Telegraph reported. Microsoft has offered to buy Yahoo for more than $40bn (£20.5bn). But AOL is thought to be keen on |
Bom Bunuh Diri di Afghanistan, 80 Orang Tewas Posted: 17 Feb 2008 01:34 PM CST Kabul (ANTARA News) - Serangan bom bunuh diri menewaskan sedikitnya 80 orang dan mencederai puluhan lain di kota Kandahar, Afghanistan selatan, Minggu, kata gubernur provinsi itu. "Menurut informasi dari rumah-rumah sakit, 60 mayat berada di sana dan 20 mayat lagi dibawa keluarga mereka, maka jumlah yang tewas secara keseluruhan 80," kata Assadullah Khalid kepada wartawan di Kandahar seperti |
"Squeezed in" subway ad angers passengers Posted: 17 Feb 2008 02:03 PM CST BEIJING (Reuters) - An advertisement on Beijing's subway proclaiming "Squeezed in?! Go and buy a car then!" has angered passengers who said it only encourages traffic jams, a state newspaper said Friday. The advertisement, written in large white letters on a red background, is also contrary to the Beijing city government's aim of getting more people to take public transport, the official Beijing |
Lion Air Akan Ekspansi ke Malaysia Posted: 17 Feb 2008 02:01 PM CST Operator penerbangan PT Lion Mentari Airlines (Lion Air) akan merealisasikan rencana mendirikan perusahaan penerbangan baru di Langkawi, Malaysia, pada pertengahan tahun ini. Langkah itu bagian dari agenda ekspansi Lion Air ke regional dalam rangka menghadapi liberalisasi penerbangan ASEAN yang secara bertahap sudah dimulai tahun depan. Selain ke Malaysia, tahun ini Lion berencana ekspansi ke |
Bands set for longer music rights Posted: 17 Feb 2008 01:59 PM CST Music performers could see a big boost to their lifetime earnings under planned changes to music rights proposed by the European Commission. The Commission wants to extend the copyright period for music performers from 50 years to 95 years. British stars like Cliff Richard and Roger Daltrey have been pushing for such a move, but the UK government has resisted changing the rules. The Commission |
RS Hasan Sadikin Bandung "Sandera" Pasien Askeskin Posted: 17 Feb 2008 01:58 PM CST Bandung (ANTARA News) - Diduga karena tidak mampu membayar biaya perawatan, Nengsih (41) warga Cionyam RT 03/03 Kelurahan Palasari, Kecamatan Cibiru, Kota Bandung, salah seorang pasien dari keluarga miskin "disandera" pihak Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin (RSHS) Bandung. Padahal menurut suaminya, Yayat (41), seperti yang dituturkannya kepada sejumlah wartawan di Bandung, Minggu, sebelum berobat ke |
Bush defends his decision to skirt Africa's hot spots Posted: 17 Feb 2008 01:56 PM CST President Bush walks with Tanzanian President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete during an arrival ceremony at Julius Nyerere International Airport in Tanzania. DAR ES SALAAM, TANZANIA -- President Bush on Saturday defended his decision to avoid Africa's most troubled quarters on his trip across the continent's midsection, saying the United States was ready to help countries that make the "right choices." |
Kosovo Deklarasikan Kemerdekaan dari Serbia Posted: 17 Feb 2008 01:55 PM CST Pristina, Serbia (ANTARA News) - Kosovo mendeklarasikan kemerdekaannya dari Serbia, Minggu, dan menjadi akhir dari bab panjang penuh darah atas bubarnya Yugoslavia. Proklamasi itu merupakan hasil usaha para pemimpin provinsi tersebut, yang 90 persen penduduknya etnik Albania, termasuk para mantan gerilyawan yang memperjuangkan kemerdekaan Kosovo dalam perang 1998-1999. Perang tersebut menewaskan |
U.S. military says Iraqi civilians fired on troops Posted: 17 Feb 2008 01:53 PM CST BAGHDAD -- Security guards supposedly allied with U.S. forces have fired on American troops twice in the last two weeks, a U.S. military spokesman said today amid allegations that civilians were being killed by errant gunfire. Navy Rear Adm. Gregory Smith said it was not known why the Iraqis, members of the Sons of Iraq civilian security corps, had shot at U.S. troops. His comments came a day |
Menegpora: Nurdin Halid Harus Berjiwa Besar Mundur Posted: 17 Feb 2008 01:53 PM CST Surabaya (ANTARA News) - Menteri Negara Pemuda dan Olahraga (Menegpora) Adhyaksa Dault menghimbau Nurdin Halid untuk berjiwa besar mundur dari posisinya sebagai ketua umum PSSI, demi kebaikan persepakbolaan nasional ke depan. Pernyataan itu disampaikan Menegpora kepada wartawan usai menghadiri acara Liga Djarum Fair Play Award di Surabaya, Minggu malam, menanggapi keluarnya surat dari organisasi |
Doctors group backs marijuana for medical uses Posted: 17 Feb 2008 01:52 PM CST WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A leading U.S. doctors group has endorsed using marijuana for medical purposes, urging the government to roll back a prohibition on using it to treat patients and supporting studies into its medical applications. The American College of Physicians, the second-largest doctors group in the United States, issued a policy statement on medical marijuana this week after it was |
Peledakan di Bali Bukan Aksi Teroris Posted: 17 Feb 2008 01:50 PM CST Denpasar: Rangkaian peledakan bom rakitan di Bali telah menimbulkan keresahan masyarakat. Namun, Kapolda Bali Irjen Pol Paulus Purwoko menegaskan, aksi itu bukanlah aksi kelompok teroris dan jaringannya. "Motifnya lebih ke masalah pribadi bukan persoalan lain," tegasnya, usai mengikuti pertemuan Saudagar Bali- Nusantara di Sanur, Ahad(17/2). Adapun motif dalam peledakan pada Jum'at (15/2) diduga |
Kosovo proclaims its independence Posted: 17 Feb 2008 01:49 PM CST Young Kosovo Albanians wave American and Albanian flags as they drive through Pristina as Kosovo's parliament made final preparations to break free of Serbia. PRISTINA, SERBIA -- Kosovos's parliament today declared the province's independence from Serbia, a controversial secession backed by Washington and many European governments but opposed by Russia and its Serbian allies. The declaration |
Lagu dan Wajah Mulan Dijual Maxis di Malaysia Posted: 17 Feb 2008 01:47 PM CST Kuala Lumpur (ANTARA News) - Lagu-lagu dan wajah Mulan dari berbagai angle dijual Maxis, raksasa telekomunikasi Malaysia, kepada para pengguna telepon genggam (handphone) "Hotlink" melalui pemasangan iklan satu halaman penuh di Harian Metro, harian terbesar di Malaysia, Minggu. Ada sembilan lagu Mulan yang ditawarkan untuk para pelanggannya di antaranya berjudul "Mahluk Tuhan Paling Sexy", " |
Iran says test rocket transmits data from orbit Posted: 17 Feb 2008 01:45 PM CST TEHRAN (Reuters) - A rocket Iran launched into orbit this month to prepare for putting a domestically made research satellite into space has successfully sent scientific data back to Earth, state media reported on Sunday. Iran, embroiled in a standoff with the West over Tehran's disputed nuclear ambitions, sparked international concern on February 4 by conducting the test of a rocket designed to |
Wakil Presiden: Pengusaha Pribumi Masih Kurang Posted: 17 Feb 2008 01:44 PM CST Denpasar:Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla menyatakan, sampai saat ini jumlah saudagar atau pebisnis pribumi masih sangat kurang bila dibandingkan warga keturunan. Rendahnya pebisnis dari kalangan primbumi, kata Kalla, akibat kecilnya dorongan kultural untuk menjadi saudagar. "Sekarang tidak ada peraturan yang mendiskriminasim, tapi kemampuan masih kalah dibandingkan mereka," kata Kalla pada saat |
Political films triumph in Berlin Posted: 17 Feb 2008 01:38 PM CST BERLIN (Reuters) - The two most overtly political movies in competition at this year's Berlin Film Festival won the top prizes, surprising some critics who had questioned their message and methods. Winner of the golden bear for best film was Jose Padilha's "The Elite Squad" ("Tropa De Elite"), an ultra-violent portrayal of a crack team of Brazilian police who resort to corruption, torture and |
Telkom Luncurkan Flexi "Packet Data Network" Posted: 17 Feb 2008 01:29 PM CST Medan (ANTARA News) - Telkom kembali menggelar layanan baru yakni Flexi Packet Data Network (PDN) untuk mempermudah pengguna internet di Sumatra mendapatkan lebih banyak pilihan untuk melakukan komunikasi data. "Dengan ada PDN, pengguna internet bisa melakukan komunikasi data selain dari Speedy dan Telkomnet Instan," kata Executive General Manager Telkom Divre I Sumatera, Muhammad Awaluddin di |
NU Jatim Beri Peringatan kepada Gus Ipul Posted: 17 Feb 2008 01:28 PM CST Surabaya (ANTARA News) - Pengurus Wilayah Nahdlatul Ulama (PWNU) Jawa Timur memberikan "warning" (peringatan) kepada Ketua Umum PP GP Ansor H Saifullah Yusuf (Gus Ipul) terkait pencalonan sebagai wagub Jatim. "Dalam iklan di media massa, dia (Gus Ipul) memakai lambang Ansor, kemudian acara deklarasi juga melibatkan atribut Ansor," kata Rois Syuriah PWNU Jatim KH Miftachul Akhyar kepada ANTARA |
Golden Bear for 'corruption' film Posted: 17 Feb 2008 01:27 PM CST The Elite Squad, a violent tale of corrupt drug-squad officers in Brazil, has won the Golden Bear, the top prize at the annual Berlin Film Festival. It had created unprecedented interest upon its release in Brazil, because of its portrayal of a police force willing to torture and kill unarmed suspects. Producer Marcos Prado said the award "gives us the strength to go forward". The UK's Sally |
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