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Russia writes off its Iraqi debt Posted: 11 Feb 2008 01:24 PM CST Russia has agreed to write off $12bn (£6bn) of Iraqi debt built up by the regime of former leader Saddam Hussein to buy military supplies. In return, Russian companies, including oil giant Lukoil, will be given access to invest up to $4bn in Iraq. Lukoil is expected to develop oilfields including West Qurna, one of the country's largest. Russia said the deal was meant to help rebuild Iraq's |
OmniVision launches 1st single-chip, 1/4" 3 MP CameraChip sensor Posted: 11 Feb 2008 01:23 PM CST Barcelona, (ANTARA News/PRNewswire-AsiaNet) - Mobile World Congress -- OmniVision Technologies, Inc. (Nasdaq: OVTI), the world's largest supplier of CMOS image sensors, today claimed a mobile handset industry first with the introduction of the OV3642, a 1/4-inch, 3 megapixel CameraChip(TM) sensor with TrueFocus(TM) technology embedded on-chip. The fully integrated OV3642 is built with |
E-Procurement Pemerintah Sepi Peminat Posted: 11 Feb 2008 01:22 PM CST Sistem pengadaan barang dan jasa secara elektronik produk Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika yakni e-Pengadaan Pemerintah (SePP) tak begitu diminati oleh lembaga dan instansi pemerintah. Sejak diluncurkan pada 2005, pengguna sistem yang lebih dikenal dengan e-procurement ini baru dalam hitungan jari. Kepala Subdirektorat Aplikasi Dasar Direktorat E-Government Sri Cahaya Khoironi menerangkan, |
Iran stands firm on nuclear row Posted: 11 Feb 2008 01:21 PM CST Iran's president has warned that his government will not back down one iota in its nuclear dispute with the West. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was speaking at a rally marking the 29th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution. He said Western pressure over the nuclear issue was just "playing with pieces of paper". He said it would be a serious mistake for the UN Security Council to pass a new resolution |
Lima Karyawan Gugat Pailit RCTI Posted: 11 Feb 2008 01:20 PM CST Lima karyawan televisi Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia (RCTI) mengugat pailit perusahaan tersebut di Pengadilan Niaga pada Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat. RCTI digugat pailit karena tidak mau membayar upah dan tunjangan hari raya mereka sejak 1999. Salah satu kuasa hukum pengugat, Johnson Panjaitan, mengatakan lima karyawan tersebut sampai saat ini masih berstatus karyawan RCTI. Akan tetapi, |
Polisi Bongkar Rumah Produksi Sabu-sabu Posted: 11 Feb 2008 01:17 PM CST Surabaya: Direktorat Reserse Narkoba Kepolisian Daerah Jawa Timur membongkar rumah produksi sabu-sabu di Desa Sengin Agung, Kecamatan Purwosari, Pasuruan. Direktur Reserse Narkoba Polda Jawa Timur Komisaris Besar Coki Manurung mengatakan letak rumah produksi terpencil dan jauh dari pemukiman warga lainnya. "Di rumah itu kami menemukan sabu-sabu setengah jadi dan yang sudah jadi," kata Coki di |
Newmont: divestment runs as scheduled Posted: 11 Feb 2008 01:17 PM CST Jakarta (ANTARA News) - PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara (NNT) believed that its divestment process had been going on properly, and therefore was shocked to learn that it had been declared in default status. "We are shocked to receive the letter on a default signed by the director general(of mineral, coal, and geothermal energy of the energy and mineral resources ministry Simon Sembiring)," spokesman |
Basque suspects arrested in Spain Posted: 11 Feb 2008 01:16 PM CST Spanish police have arrested 14 suspected members of Batasuna, the party banned for its links to the armed separatist group Eta. Those detained are reportedly accused of trying to reorganise the party. Their arrests come days after a judge banned two other political parties alleged to be Batasuna fronts. Spain's government, which has in the past been criticised for trying to negotiate with Eta |
Indonesia Air Gandeng Eagle Air Posted: 11 Feb 2008 01:15 PM CST PT Indonesia Air Transport Tbk. (IATA) akan menggandeng Eagle Air untuk pengembangan one stop service atau pelayanan satu atap. "Kami dengan Eagle Air bukan akuisisi tapi kerja sama dalam bidang sistem informasi," ujar Direktur Utama IATA, Hartono Tanoesoedibjo usai Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RUPSLB) di Jakarta Senin (11/2). Ia menjelaskan nantinya para calon penumpang dapat melakukan |
Nation parties after Pharaohs win Posted: 11 Feb 2008 01:14 PM CST Hundreds of thousands of Egyptian football fans have taken to the streets after Egypt's victory in the Africa Cup of Nations football tournament. The Pharaohs beat Cameroon in Accra, the Ghanaian capital, to retain the cup they won on home soil two years ago. Sunday's 1-0 victory means Egypt have now won the cup a record sixth time. Within seconds of the final whistle being blown, the Egyptian |
Australia Kirim Pasukan Tambahan ke Dili Posted: 11 Feb 2008 01:12 PM CST Darwin: Australia mengirim pasukan tambahan dan sekitar 50 hingga 70 polisi ke Timor Leste setelah percobaan pembunuhan terhadap Presiden Ramos Horta dan Perdana Menteri Xanana Gusmao pagi tadi. Perdana Menteri Australia, Kevin Rudd, mengatakan dia terkejut dengan serangan itu dan akan segera berkunjung ke negeri itu. Rudd mengatakan, Horta yang terkena dua kali tembakan akan segera diterbangkan |
Rwanda's fury at Spanish warrants Posted: 11 Feb 2008 01:11 PM CST Rwanda has urged foreign governments and Interpol to ignore Spanish arrest warrants for 40 Rwandan army officers on genocide charges. The Rwandan foreign ministry called the warrants "bogus" and "ridiculous", and said the case was based on falsehoods, racist language and genocide denial. Spain's high court has accused the officers of involvement in mass killings in the early 1990s. Spanish |
Penyu Leatherback Berenang dari Indonesia hingga AS Posted: 11 Feb 2008 01:10 PM CST Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Penyu leatherback yang di tanah air dikenal sebagai penyu belimbing (Dermochelys coriacea) ternyata mampu berenang mengarungi samudera dari perairan Indonesia hingga Oregon dan Hawaii, Amerika Serikat, menempuh perjalanan 13 ribu mil untuk mencari makan, kata para ilmuwan yang mengikuti perjalanan satwa langka itu dengan alat deteksi. Para ilmuwan mengikuti perjalanan |
RI, China ready to sign extradition pact: envoy Posted: 11 Feb 2008 01:09 PM CST Jakarta - The Indonesian and Chinese governments will in the near future sign an extradition treaty as part of their efforts to enhance their bilateral relations, Indonesian Ambassador to China Sudrajat said. "In due course of time, the two countries` foreign ministers will meet. We hope it (the treaty`s signing) will take place before the middle of this year," Sudrajat said after a meeting with |
Perbankan Jepang Optimistis Ekonomi Indonesia Posted: 11 Feb 2008 01:08 PM CST Jakarta:Menteri Kordinator Perekonomian Boediono menyatakan perbankan Jepang optimis dengan prospek bisnis mereka di Indonesia. "Nampaknya mereka juga optimis dengan kondisi perekonomian kita," katanya seusai bertemu dengan President Bank Of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ Nobuo Kuroyanagi di kantornya, Senin (11/02). Menurut Boediono, bank terkenal di Jepang itu datang dalam rangka memperingati 50 tahun |
US charges six suspects over 9/11 Posted: 11 Feb 2008 01:05 PM CST The Pentagon has announced charges against six Guantanamo Bay prisoners over their alleged involvement in the 11 September 2001 attacks in the US. Prosecutors will seek the death penalty for the six, who include alleged plot mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. The charges, the first for Guantanamo inmates directly related to 9/11, are expected to be heard by a controversial military tribunal |
Customs at Jakarta`s int`l airport foil weapon smuggling attempt Posted: 11 Feb 2008 01:02 PM CST Tangerang, Banten (ANTARA News) - Customs officers at Jakarta`s Soekarno-Hatta international airport have foiled an attempt to smuggle in an assortment of fire arms and ammunition hidden in car part packages from the United States, a spokesman said. The authorties have already picked up the person to whom the consignment was addressed -- an Indonesian living in Bandung, West Java, identified as |
Perbatasan Indonesia-Timor Leste Aman Posted: 11 Feb 2008 01:03 PM CST Jakarta:Perbatasan Indonesia-Timor Leste dipastikan aman setelah terjadinya serangan terhadap Jose Ramos Horta dan Xanana Gusmao. Indonesia akan memberikan suasana yang kondusif bagi pemulihan keamanan dan pengamanan perbatasan di Timor Leste. Menteri Luar Negeri Nur Hassan Wirajuda mengatakan, pengamanan perbatasan Indonesia-Timor Leste selama dua tahun ini dilakukan Tentara Nasional Indonesia. |
Pemimpin Pemberontak Timor Leste Tewas Tertembak Posted: 11 Feb 2008 01:01 PM CST Pemimpin pemberontak Timor Leste Alfredo Reinado Alves tewas tertembak oleh tentara Timor Leste, di kediaman Presiden Jose Ramos Horta, Metiaut, Dili, sekitar pukul 6.30 pagi waktu setempat. Dalam insiden baku tembak itu, Presiden Horta juga tertembak di bagian perutnya. Dia dilarikan ke rumah sakit tentara Internasional, Dili. Sedangkan satu pengawal pribadi Ramos Horta tewas dan dua serdadu |
Former Garuda chief sentenced to 1 year in jail Posted: 11 Feb 2008 01:07 PM CST Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Central Jakarta district court on Monday sentenced former Garuda Indonesia president director Indra Setiawan to one year in jail for assisting the premeditated murder of human rights activist Munir. "The suspect was sentenced to one year`s imprisonment minus his detention period," Heru Pramono, who presided over the panel of judges, said. The judge said as the then |
Wounded Horta stable, Gusmao also attacked Posted: 10 Feb 2008 11:07 PM CST Dili (ANTARA News) - East Timor President Jose Ramos-Horta was stable after he was shot in the stomach during an attack on his Dili home by rebel soldiers, Foreign Minister Zacarias da Costa said on Monday. Residents reported that the capital Dili appeared calm, but some analysts warned the attack could destablise the young country that has been struggling to get back on its feet after the army |
KPPU Panggil Pelapor Kasus Dugaan Astro TV Monopoli Liga Inggris Posted: 11 Feb 2008 01:06 PM CST Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha (KPPU) memanggil tiga pelapor kasus dugaan monopoli siaran Sepakbola Liga Inggris oleh operator TV berbayar Astro (PT Direct Vision), yaitu Indovision, Telkomvision dan IM2 untuk memberikan keterangan di kantor KPPU di Jakarta, Senin. "Pelapor memberikan keterangan disertai data-data yang kami minta untuk mendukung proses pemeriksaan |
Horta dan Xanana Diserang, Horta Tertembak. Posted: 10 Feb 2008 11:06 PM CST Dili (ANTARA News) - Presiden Timor Leste Jose Ramos-Horta dalam kondisi stabil setelah ditembak di kediamannya di Dili oleh pasukan pemberontak, kata Menteri Luar Negeri Zacarias da Costa, Senin. Penduduk setempat mengatakan suasana ibukota Dili tampak tenang, namun beberapa analis memperingatkan serangan itu dapat mengacaukan negara baru itu yang sedang berjuang untuk memulihkan kembali |
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